
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Old Testament Joseph VBS Photos by Nicole
These photos are from my niece Nicole. She has given me permission to share these with you! These are Joseph and are from the Willette Church of Christ VBS 2013. Again, they are not mine, and so I am just showing you the photos, and I do not have any info on how they were done. They are to give you ideas for decorating! THANKS for sharing, Nicole!









  1. this is terrific. Many years ago when my daughter was young I taught VBS ! This would have been fun to do. xo

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate the comment!

    2. I am so impressed with the amount of work it took to put this together. Such a great idea. I'm sure the children loved it!

    3. I appreciate the nice comment and I will let Nicole know. Thanks for visiting!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.