
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Assorted Bulletin Boards By Nicole
This post is a couple of Bible bulletin boards from my niece Nicole!
These bulletin boards are used with permission by Nicole Whitacre. I have copied/pasted her notes that she has written to help you to recreate them. These are ideas for you to use, and I do not have any printables to add for Nicole's bulletin boards. Thanks Nicole!
We used the green bulletin board paper and used white duct tape to make the lines. The words on the football are singing, praying, listening, and studying. The goal posts that are used are from a game that my son has. The squishy footballs were purchased at Dollar Tree in the toy department.
We made a shelf and then put sticks standing straight up.  Next, we used the small flame diecut and used red, yellow, and orange tissue paper to make them. We used white decorative rocks to put around the sticks. Then we added branches and placed an extra large marshmallow on them. We used a glue gun to place the s'mores together on the board.
 My note: The ladder looks like Balsa wood and Nicole said it was attached with Glue Dots! We both use Glue Dots for a lot of projects!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.