
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Books of the New Testament Pennants
A new updated set has been created! This file includes the New Testament and the Old Testament as shown. There are two per page. Click here to download.
I created these Books of the New Testament pennants to use for VBS this year. These are a full sheet and you need a long wall to hang them. I just cut ribbon and connected two together at a time, with loops at each end. But, I decided to use the next pennants instead:
After having my husband hang the first set, I thought they were just too long for my wall. So, I made this set, and it looks great! You can print either set by clicking on the picture. I printed mine on cardstock.

Yah! These were featured at Teach Beside Me! Thank you! Click here to see it:


  1. These look wonderful, what a neat idea!

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing these! I might print out a set to mail to our Compassion children.

  3. These look AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing!!
    Do you by any chance to the Old Testament??


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.