
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Preschool Alphabet: Q is for Queen Esther

Preschool at home ideas and printables!
These lessons are intended to use at home to bring daily skills together
 with Bible learning. The lesson and some of the printables can easily be
used for Preschool Bible class, though.
This is a condensed lesson for preschoolers and is found in the book of Esther. There was a king named King Ahasuerus (AKA Xerxes). He had been the king for 3 years and he was having a great big feast. The feast lasted 180 days... that is almost half of a year! Then, he had another feast for a week! He invited his officials and servants to the feast. His queen, Queen Vashti, had a feast for the women in the royal palace. On the seventh day, the king was feeling happy and told some men to bring in Queen Vashti to him, wearing her crown, so he could show his friends how beautiful she was. You can print the crown here.
But, Queen Vashti refused to go to the king and he was angry! The king's wise men told King Ahasuerus to make a new decree (law). If the queen would not come to the king, then the king would give her royal position to another that deserves it more. So, King Ahasuerus sent out letters to everyone. You can print the letter here. They can sign it and stamp, color or add a sticker to the box, and tie it up with a ribbon or string.
All the beautiful women were taken before King Ahasuerus, he liked her, and Esther was moved to the best place for the women in the palace. It took the women a whole year to get ready to go before King Ahasuerus! Once a woman went before the king, she couldn’t go before him again, unless HE called for her by name. (I gave them jewelry here, and they dressed up like Esther would have.)
Four years later, Esther gets to go before the king again. The king loved her more than all the other women. (2:16) King Ahasuerus put the crown on her head and made her the queen. He made a great feast and called it “Feast of Esther”. I had the scepters from my Bible class, and you can see more here.
And these things that happened were written in the king’s books and Queen Esther and Mordecai was well liked and considered great among the people. (Esther 10:3)
I set up an area in the living room to resemble a throne room (like I do for Bible class). They sat on their 'throne' while we talked about Esther. Of course they both wanted to be Queen Esther, so I was the king!
I gave them jewelry when we talked about Esther getting ready to go before the king, and we used these scepters. You can see how to make them here.
We had a feast,  just like King Ahasuerus and Esther for lunch! And, you can see how they decorated their Queen Esther crowns with jewels.
They decorated their Esther crowns with jewels.
There are enough squares on the Q is for Quilt worksheet that is in the pack, so I had the girls put alphabet stickers in order on each square.
There are always other printables in the alphabet packs which includes several pages like Q is for Quail, etc. and not necessarily from the Bible. And, there is an Esther picture to color and a maze. The letter announcing that the king is looking for a new queen is in the pack also. You can download it all here.
There are over 50 visuals in the file and includes visuals
 for the whole book of Esther.

Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
 There are not a whole lot of books for the letter Q, so I found books at the library for Quack. They like the Little Quack books.
There are A-Z Bible People Pictures to Color here.
You can find more A-Z God made It printables here.

You can see my Q  is for... Pinterest alphabet board here.

You can see my Pinterest Esther Bible board here.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
Thank you Jamerrill for posting this page on
Free HomeSchool Deals! Click here to see it!


  1. Those are some lucky girls. I think you guys must be having a world of fun!

    1. Thanks for the comment Helene! Yes, they had fun, but I really thought they would with the whole Queen theme! ☺

  2. How very precious that you brought the story to life in a way they could relate. May God seal His truths to their hearts! Loved seeing them sitting on their "thrones". Visiting from Essential Fridays this morning. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment! I appreciate you stopping by!

  3. That's a great way to make the story real to them! Awesome idea! <3

  4. This is just so CUTE!!! How creative of you and how thrilled your girls look!! Great mom moment and bring glory to Him! THanks for linking up to WYWW!! Come back tomorrow.

  5. What fun - your ideas are awesome and I love that they get to participate in the story - I personally learn better that way .. I love the pictures you shared of them as well, you can defeintely see their personalities shining through. Your neighbor today at #ChristianBloggerLinkup

  6. Oh, how fun and memorable this looks! Your kids are lucky to have such amazing opportunities to walk out the word and understand it!

  7. I'm so glad I saw this on Happy Blessed home!
    I have a 3 yo grandbaby, and she would love this!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.