
Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Beatitudes: Bee-Attitudes Bulletin Board & More!
All the printables were created with a bee and beehive theme for this post. Next week will be the last post in this Beatitudes series and will be all preschool.
For this Bee bulletin board, I combined the flowers with the bee theme, and it made a beautiful, fun board! There are different ways to use this bulletin board. The board above is 4'x8', which I love and have used this style/size for a lot of years.
I used grass border along the bottom, but I added two layers. It looks great and it adds dimension. Then, I alternated the flower stems 'growing in the grass' under each layer. I also added the tree branch printed on brown cardstock for the hive to hang on. You can print the template here for the tree branch.

Instead of using the bees as an interactive bulletin board, I just stapled them with the correct flower. But there is a space on the flower centers to add Velcro and let the students add the bees as a review for the Beatitudes. Print this bulletin board here.
I also added bees with the student's names, since they love to see their names on bulletin boards. Then, I let them take their name tags home when the board is changes. If you would rather type in the names on the bees, you can purchase the bees here. You can print the name bees here.
This Beatitudes worksheet is a beehive that the students will match the bees to the correct verse on the hive. You can print it in color or black and white. This is a lot of fun for them! Click here to print
Kids love these accordions! Once they are printed and cut out, glue the ends together using the tabs. Fold Zigzag style and let the students fill in the blanks. You can print these accordions in color or black & white. Click here to print.
 While I was creating the above beehive worksheet, I thought it would make a really great file folder game! I added the parts in this download if you would rather use it as a file folder game. Click here to download the file folder game.
And since I love lapbooks so much, I created the matching Bee Beatitudes lapbook. They are fun Lift-the-Flap's for the students. They can finish each scripture inside. Or they can finish the scripture on the top inside flap and write a basic summary on the bottom inside portion. Click here to print the lapbook.
Click here if you would like to see The Beatitudes lesson and other ideas in this series.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.


  1. Fantastic, thank you so much for your hard work and for taking the time to share at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  2. Sweet! I love things with cute bees on it. Thanks for always sharing your great ideas at the Homemaking Party!

  3. This is so great and fun! This would also be awesome for homeschooling or Sunday school, etc. Good job and creativity. Thank you for linking this with us at Grace & Truth!

  4. Thank You, Thank you, Thank you! These are wonderful! I will be using these with my Sunday school class!

  5. Thank you so much! These are fantastic! I hope they will help me and the kids I teach to remember the beatitudes better.

  6. THanks for this. I use a lot of your material in my mixed age class. God bless you for your
    generous ministry.

  7. This is great. I have been teaching my Sunday School (2-5 years) the Be attitudes. I usually take my take and go over one each week. This time I emphasize one and give them all in a different way. it is amazing how they catch on. I used the beehive and the little bees as a game. I printed them in card stock (different colors), and the bees I taped them all over the room (most were easy to see, but some I hid under the table, under the chair). They had to get the bees of the same color as the beehive and say something they have learned such as be nice, share, don't be mean, be like Jesus (emphasizing what is on the bee). The kids love this game and wanted to keep playing. I'm working on a game with big dice or cards (unsure yet), it would be a floor size, using some of your tools. I will take pictures and post it on here once I am done. Thank you so much for your ideas, it gets motivation to create things myself and share them with others.

  8. Thanks a lot! I homeschool my 5 year and he’ll do kindergarten this coming year. My curriculum teaches the beatitude. This will supplement the curriculum and will beautify a wall in our home. Thank you!

  9. These are awesome! Thank you! I'm using them with kids at home.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.