
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cathy's Corner: Week 6

Week 6 continues the scriptures and inspiration of my Sister-in-Law Cathy Whitacre.
Cathy Whitacre has touched a lot of lives with her special personality. It is with much sorrow that her body cannot fight cancer this time due to other issues.  These are Cathy's daily thoughts which I am posting a week at a time. She wants to use this time in a positive helpful way and we pray that these scriptures and thoughts might encourage you.
This week's introduction is a letter written to Cathy by Graham & Beth. They are missionaries in Scotland. Cathy and her husband  have become their 'Parents by choice'! They have worked together several times in Scotland teaching The Word.

Dear Cathy, Thank you for your daily emails. I look forward to them every day and give thanks for your life, wisdom and love. Beth and I talk about you every day and we are grateful for both you and Gerry.

Sitting next to me is a book by Rob Whitacre. You may know him. I’ve never met him myself but his parents talk him about him a lot and always with joy and excitement. They do that for both their kids (and their grandkids). I’m looking forward to reading it and learning from it. It has a beautiful inscription inside from two very special people. Beth gave me the book just the other day and I’m glad to have it.

It is a good thing to have parents. Jesus made a promise that those who would follow Him would have mothers and father and brothers and sisters beyond measure. I’ve found this to be true. I have parents all over Scotland as well as across America. None have been more dear to me than you and Gerry. I was blessed with a mum and dad who stuck together for 70 years before my dad passed away. They weren’t in the Lord’s church, though I persevere with my mother, but they believed in God and raised five children to believe in God. God, in His wisdom, knew that I needed parents to fill that most important gap: teaching me about God and what it means to have a Christian family. That’s why Beth and I are so close to you both. You have loved us as though your own and cared for us as though you had once tended the scrapes on our knees from when we were young. God does beautiful things for us all the time and your wee emails have reminded me of this. That’s what mum’s do: they remind us of how much God cares for us and that He keeps His promises. When I chose Christ, I didn’t have to forsake my mum and dad but God gave me others as well. It really does take a village to raise a child, especially a child of God.

Some 4,000 miles sit between us, keeping us apart. We’d come by often if we could. I’m glad others do. They, and we, are a testimony to your unfailing love for each other and to others like us. Neither distance nor time can hamper the love that transcends time and distance. You are as loved here as you are there. We would do more, but we are grateful that so many are willing to do what we can’t.

Since we spoke with Susie and quickly arranged for Beth to visit, my mind has thought of a wee girl born into this world and entrusted to two devout Christians with His confidence that they would raise her to follow Him, learning about Him on her parents’ knees and singing songs about Jesus and saying her prayers at bedtime each night. I think of the joy on her father’s face the day he baptized that little girl of his and saw her added to family of God. At times I wonder what that father would have said to the young upstart ex-sailor who had the audacity to ask if he could take on the responsibility of caring for that young woman’s soul and continue to help and support her on a journey they would take together, following in the steps of Jesus, just like mum and dad had wanted for her all her life. In my mind’s eye, I see that couple aging gracefully and raising their own children and one day, dad having that same conversation with that young man who wanted to marry daddy’s little princess and take on the responsibility of helping her on their new path together. I wonder how much of what his father-in-law had once said to him became the advice he would give to that young man who would become his son-in-law. I think of the first call that announced the first grandchild and the second and the third and so on. Souls entrusted to a family that in the long ago had decided to walk with God and was grateful for the day when someone asked to become a part of that family and to take on the responsibility for helping a soul, and the souls that would come from their union, to know God and to love Him.

When I think of that little girl who became a Christian and a wife and a mother and a grandmother, I think of all the souls she has known and encouraged along the way. It amazes me to think that her reward in heaven will be greater than the reward that her life has been already. I smile a little and I weep a little. The sadness is for me and those she has known. The smile is for her and the joy that is set before her.

If I could, I would hold your hand and pray with you. I’d sing with you. I’d thank you for being a mother to me and who reminded me that God cares for my soul. Together, we’d praise God because He made it possible to know such a friendship. If I cannot do that for you, I will do it for those who will remember you. And I will remind them that Jesus holds your hand, just as He always has done since the moment your soul was created.

It is our joy that we know Cathy and Gerry Whitacre, and that we are family.

In Love,
Graham & Beth

Cathy's Corner
April 26, 2015

Mark 9:36-37 Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, “Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.” (NKJV)

Our father has given us such great blessings if we just take the time to look around, pray for guidance, and then allow the word to penetrate the soil of man. I have been blessed to see the sincere love for Him through the eyes of His children. I have experienced being lifted up in song, edified by God's word and comforted through the prayers of His children.

Have you ever noticed how at times a child can reach our hearts where an adult cannot? We are told to plant the seed, it will be the word of God that will save the souls of man.

Your Sister Cathy

Cathy's Corner
April 27, 2015

Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

What a wonderful blessing to be able to keep the laws of Christ and to not forget them. During times of trial there is no greater comfort than to lean on the steadfast words of the gospel. Our Lord has suffered as we each have, He is able to know how we feel in each situation. I know that He will be able to guide my path along my journey.

Just as a lamp gives off  light in times of darkness, His word lights my path, and allows the light from His word to give me comfort.

Your Sister
Cathy's Corner
April 28, 2015

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

There are times in all our lives that we find ourselves troubled and afraid. Peace is what I desire as I walk this journey. Day after day I put my faith in our Father. When I know that God is watching over me it gives me comfort. Being afraid is one way that satan comes between our relationships. Peace is obtained by drawing closer to God.

We are not promised tomorrow, our life is but a vapor, so make the most of each day, let our heart find the strength it needs. Today my heart was again strengthened by the peace that can only be received by our Father.

Your Sister Cathy

Cathy's Corner
April 29, 2015

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edifying on another even as also ye do."

Every day that I am blessed to be here I get to know the joy that comes from knowing those that are brothers and sisters in the Lord. With this comes the peace of being a child of the King, no matter who we are or where we are from. I am reminded by the first little red bird I saw tonight at the feeder, he was new but did not turn away. What a wonderful family we all have and the opportunity to be part of; if we but obey His word and partake of His promise. Won't heaven be a wonderful place?

Your Sister Cathy
Cathy's Corner
April 30, 2015

Philippians 4:6-7 "Be careful for nothing: but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God."

Have you ever awaken to a day that you had already knew would bring challenges that you may not feel up to? Well, this is where I was this morning.  But little did I know this day would change, and change for the answer to a prayer that I have been praying for since our youngest granddaughter was born. There is no greater joy than for a grandparent to have a request answered with the help of my brothers and sisters, and what a wonderful change to today, our little girl was baptized!

Your Sister Cathy

Cathy's Corner
May 1, 2015

2 Thessalonians 5:16-17 Pray without ceasing. Rejoice evermore!

As I travel my journey there are several lessons I can learn and these two are very important to me and I pray will be for you as well.

I have found that no two days will be alike. This morning I thought would be a quiet day; however, no two days are alike. I had my plans all sketched out. I had a wonderful plan that would fill my day. My day with prayer would include much rejoicing I was blessed.

Even though it didn't go exactly the way I thought, it was just the way my Father wanted it to be for me and most likely better than I could have imagined. Allow God to work His will for you in your life, and thank Him for each opportunity it was designed just for you.

Your Sister Cathy
Cathy's Corner
May 2, 2015

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but as a broken spirit drieth the bones"

"Wow, how great is my God! There is nothing better for me than being happy and especially when that happiness comes from being with my family. Here we have the "great physician." Today we spend so much money trying to find happiness, from over the counter meds to prescriptions, we may be overlooking what is right in front of each of us.

Our Father spent time with those He loved and cared about, shared meals, worked together, prayed together, they were a family, a spiritual family. I have had the best medicine ever, spending the opportunity with my grandchildren doing the most important thing I could, sharing our love through time, working, and praying. Don't overlook the best medicine yet, being together. If we are sick it's like the dried bones, broken. Our families need to be healthy, physically and yet mostly spiritually we can and will be with the help of our God and Father. Do you need a "Merry Heart" prescription? Look to the Great Physician.

Your Sister Cathy

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post and what a lovely, honouring letter. Thank you so much for sharing Cathy's journey with us. May you all be blessed as you travel the journey with her. Thank you again. xxx


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