
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cathy's Corner: Parable of the Sower
For the Parable of the Sower, I created the visuals full page size so they can be used as a bulletin board also. There are also the Parable Posters and Application Posters.
For this set of Magnetic Board Visuals, I decided to make the visuals full page size and can be used as posters and for bulletin boards. I included the half page parts if you want to use them as magnetic Board Visuals too. I didn't number them though in case you would like to shuffle them and use any of the printables for review.
I also included a different set of Parable Posters  for you to pick from. Each set of Parable Magnetic Board Visual Aids that I created for Cathy's corner has a different set of Parable Posters with the same definitions so you can pick which style you like the best. Click here to download all the visuals and posters.
I decided to add these Application Posters also. As I was reading the scripture to create this set and decided to make them full page size, I created these posters that can be used as the application or review part of the lesson. These would also look great on a bulletin board. These are included in the above set.   Click here to download all the visuals and posters.
Here is how I used these posters to make a bulletin board for my classroom.
 You can print the sun, Sower, and seed template for the bulletin board here.
For the lesson on Parable of the Sower, hands-on visuals, worksheets and more
Cathy Whitacre is a Christian, wife, mother, Nana, sister, and friend. Cathy and her husband Gerry worship with the New Hope church of Christ, in Bradyville, Tennessee.
Family has been one of her crowning joys in life. Married to Gerry for over 47 years they have had many years of adventure and love. Her children and grandchildren have kept her busy and happy. Everywhere Cathy has lived from Ohio, Illinois, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee and more she has made dear friends who she considers family.
Cathy has had the opportunity to participate in mission work for many years. She has had the privilege of speaking at Ladies Days, teaching Vacation Bible Schools, and conducting workshops in Jamaica, Scotland, New Zealand, and here in the United States.
Cathy has been involved in teaching for over 50 years, from nursery to adults. Cathy feels that Christian Education is one of the greatest mission efforts we can be involved in, and the benefits are eternal.


  1. I enjoy these lessons so much! I hope your students know what a great teacher they have! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week. Happy Valentine's Day :)

  2. Cathy, im writing from the Scottish Highlands on a cold and snowy day. Thanks so much for all the effort you put into your work, i'm very grateful to have your ideas to hand. I work for a Christian organisation and have many opportunities to teach children. Your ready made resources are a treasured find. Please be encouraged that many little kid in Scotland benefit from your hard work!
    Thanks, God bless your family and your work for Him, Carol

  3. Thank you for the visuals. I'll be using this in my preschool class open house. Just what I needed! God bless you for sharing:)

  4. Thank you so much for your hard work and willingness to share. I am a preachers wife and I teach Children's Church (BIBLE kids) BIBLE stand for believers in Bible learning excitement. I also teach the kids on Wednesday night. Your resources have helped me so much in preparing lessons.

  5. Thank you for sharing! I am a Sunday school teacher I will be using these visual for a lesson.
    God bless you.

  6. Thank you so much for your help with teaching this lesson.


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