
Friday, April 29, 2016

Armor of God: Helmet of Salvation

This continues the pieces of the Armor of God. One thing led to another (as it usually does) as I taught the lesson about Jesus healing the Centurion's Son to the 3 year old class. I started with the shield and added the helmet. When I was getting the Armor of God lesson ready for the second grade class, I wanted more hands-on pieces. Since I have mostly boys this year, I thought they would really love having these. So, here we are with the helmet.
I used my helmet as the basic look for the Roman solider. I added some of the rivets that seem to be found in a lot of the other helmets I researched online. This includes the color and the black & white and should be printed on cardstock.
You can see these other pieces of the Armor of God:
Click here to see the Sword of the spirit.
Click here to see the full lesson, visuals, worksheets & more.


  1. Wow! How creative you are! That's pretty cool, but the blessing comes from your dedication to raise up a generation of believers. Thank you for loving on the kids of today, and leaders of tomorrow!

  2. Wow Debbie you are so creative! I know your boys in class will love the Armor of God. It is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. May God continue to richly bless you as seek to help children grow closer to Christ. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. These crafts are so wonderful!! Thank you for providing them for us!

  4. Hi, Debbie! Love your stuff! I am the Education Minister for the Brown Street Church of Christ in Waxahachie, Texas. We are currently doing virtual Bible classes (prerecorded videos) for our kiddos. One of our teachers is doing a series of lessons on the Armor of God, and she loves your DIY Helmet of Salvation! She was wondering if it would be OK to make copies of the handout to put in the lesson kits that she sends home for the students, so students can make their own helmets. From comments throughout your site it looks like people are doing this with your blessing, but the last page of the helmet handout says "Do not print," so we wanted to check and see if her intended use is permitted. Thank you so much for your work for the Kingdom.

  5. Hello, that is permitted. Sorry about the confusion, the last page is the copyright page and the copyright does not need to be printed. The newer files do not have that, but I will make a note for others.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! God bless you in your continued work.

  6. Thank you, Debbie! I was looking for a complete Armor of God so that I can make with my Kids at church but I couldn't find one. It is such a blessing that you can share this with us. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing and may God continue to use you and give you many creative ideas.
    God Bless

  7. Thanks so much, Debbie! We just finished the armor of God for K-1st and it was so much fun but very sobering. Along with "my biggest problem, my sin", we touched on our enemy, Satan. We did the 5 animals God likens Satan to in the Bible. One bright military son piped up and said, "I just want to decorate my sword." He paid more attention when I said, "To be a good soldier, don't we have to learn about how our enemy fights?"
    Thanks so again for blessing us with your wonderful teaching and may the Lord work in the hearts of the children we teach. May we make a difference for the Kingdom of God.


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