
Friday, July 8, 2016

Lifting Up the King VBS: King Solomon
Our VBS for 2016 is Lifting Up the King. We studied great kings of the Bible. Day 2 was Solomon: The Wisest Man found in 1 Kings 4:30. The theme was Mind of Wisdom.
I decorated each wall for a different person. I planned to make each wall a throne room, but as I worked on them, I only made David and Solomon in a throne room. Click here to download the kings graphics.
I made 2 different banners for each person. These are close-ups before they were attached to the dowel rods. I used poster board, but you can use felt, fabric, bulletin board paper, etc. I painted the designs, but you could use markers, chalk, etc. Then I added jewels for sparkle for VBS.
Click here to see more with the free templates (plain and mine).
For our VBS lessons, I taught a brief overview of each king's life. Some of the facts are to help students remember (or learn) some of the basics of their life, and part of the discussion is to learn why they were great kings. Solomon is so interesting! We learned about God giving him wisdom and Solomon with his judgement of the two women. We also briefly discussed the temple and why he was a great king.
There are three of us that work together for VBS for this age group. While I taught the lesson, we had these two babies. When one died, it was put to the side. Then, they went to see King Solomon...
 They (the two mothers) started to 'argue' about the baby to me (King Solomon). That made it ... interesting! Then I drew out the sword and waved it around and the kids loved it! But these are a simple cheap visual to use.
I used these visuals on the back of the door so I could use them for reference teaching David & Solomon. I made the title using an overhead projector to enlarge my graphic onto poster board and then painting it. After the red paint was dry for the lettering, I added Glitter Glue and once it is dry, it makes this great shiny glittery effect! The jewels were added last.
I had the kings posters printed on 10x13 paper and laminated them. You can download title templates and the kings posters here.
Another poster for Solomon! Click here to download.
Application Game: Everyone sat in a circle and Paulette tossed a light up ball to one student at a time. She asked a question starting with "Is it wise to..." and they answered and that created conversations about what is wise. The questions could be right vs. wrong in God's eyes, or their parents eyes. It could be wise vs. smart. Here are some of the questions. Some were made up on the spot, depending on the other conversations and students and I was not able to write them down.
Is it wise to:
1. go outside in the snow without winter coat on?
2. use somebody else's' dirty tissue?
3. use the bathroom and not wash your hands?
4. catch a bumblebee in your hands?
5. eat worms?
6. not brush your teeth while you are on vacation?
7. only be nice to your friends on Saturday?
8. let your puppy drink from your glass of water?
9. go for a walk in the woods without your shoes on?
10. go swimming without your mom and dad (or another grown up)?
11. only eat cookies?
12. obey parents?
13. go to worship instead of a baseball game?
14. be nice to everyone?
15. love God?
16. obey God?
17. read your Bible? Or, listen when the Bible is being read to you?
I used these Magnetic Board Visuals for VBS. I wanted something different and they hold the student's interest. To use these, print (on cardstock if possible), cut out, laminate and add magnets on the back. As you are teaching the lesson, you just add the numbered graphic. Click here to download these visuals.
 Click here to download the lesson to use with these visuals. This lesson has the corresponding numbers to use with these visuals and is the same lesson as below.
Click here to download the visual aids.
Click here to download the Pictures to Color.
This file contains all the available visuals for Solomon.
The pictures above are a sample to show what is included.
Not all are shown.

Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Click here to see:


  1. What a great theme for a VBS! This is such an amazing lesson, Debbie! Love all of the fun and imagination you put into teaching kids the Bible! Thanks so much for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope you will join the party again this week :)

  2. I know this is older, but I have been searching for ideas for a King of Kings VBS that includes Josiah & Jesus. We don’t buy kits, we try to make up our own themes and lessons. Some of this would fit perfectly! Wanted to make sure it was ok to incorporate some of your ideas with mine, especially the images. Thank you so much for the great content. You have done a wonderful job on this.

    1. Yes! Absolutely! Most of the VBS themes are to spark ideas to design your own, because I know a lot of the purchased items are not available any longer.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.