
Friday, August 25, 2017

Jesus & the Samaritan Woman
I have seen so much for living water for this lesson, so I thought I would do something different. I used Names of Jesus Cornerstone MBV and created worksheets to discuss some of the names for Jesus including the names Jesus and the Samaritan woman used.
Our lesson takes place in Samaria. It is found in John 4. Jesus was leaving Judea and was going to Galilee. To do that, Jesus had to travel through Samaria. Jesus decided to stop and rest at the sixth hour, which was noon. He stopped in a city called Sychar by a well. It happened to be Jacob’s well. (Jacob the father of Joseph in the Old Testament) Jesus was so tired, He sat by the well.
There was a woman from Samaria that came to the well for water. Jesus asked her for a drink of water. During this time, the Disciples had left to go into the city to buy food.
The woman from Samaria asked Jesus why He would ask her for water! She said Jesus was a Jew and she was a Samaritan. Jews and Samaritans did not have anything to do with each other!
Jesus told the woman that if she knew who was saying, “Give Me a drink”, then Jesus would give living water. But the woman replied that He doesn’t even have anything to get the water in and the well is deep!
The woman asked Jesus if He was greater than Jacob? Jacob, his sons and his animals drank from the well.
Jesus told her that whoever drinks of the living water that He would give would not ever be thirsty again. Jesus said the water that He gives would become a fountain that builds up into eternal life!
The woman asked Jesus for this eternal water so she wouldn’t be thirsty again and so she wouldn’t have to come to the well and draw water.
Jesus told her to go and bring her husband to see Him. But, she told Jesus that she didn’t have a husband. Jesus agreed with her and told her that she has had five husbands!  The man she was with now wasn’t her husband either.
The woman told Jesus He must be a prophet! Jesus told her that the way of worship was changing. The people wouldn’t be worshipping under the Old Law. God wants the people to worship Him in spirit and truth. The woman told Jesus that she knew the Messiah was coming and He is called Christ. He is coming and He will tell us what we need to know.
Jesus told her that He is the Messiah.
At this time, the Disciples returned from the city and they couldn’t believe that Jesus was talking to a woman. And, she was a Samaritan woman! They didn’t say anything, though.
The woman left her water jug at the well and returned to the city. She told some men what Jesus had said and asked if He could really be the Christ? They left the city and went to see Jesus at the well.
Many of the people that lived in Samaria believed in Jesus because the woman told them what Jesus had said. Jesus knew all the things that she had done. The Samaritan people begged Jesus to stay with them, so He stayed there for 2 days. There were many believers in Jesus.
The people didn’t believe because of what the woman had said, but when they heard what Jesus said, they knew He was really the Christ that they were waiting for. He was the Savior of the world!
One application for this lesson is the different names that Jesus was called. The Samaritan Woman called Jesus the Messiah. She said He is called the Christ. This cornerstone printable from Cathy's Corner would be an easy way to discuss the names that Jesus was called in the Bible. Click here to see the post.
This worksheet was created to be used with the Names of Jesus Cornerstone printables. These do not have to be used together. (Logos are not on the PDF worksheets.)
To use these, print the color or fill-in-the-blank and/or the teacher’s worksheet on page 3. Page 3 can also be used for students to follow along or add to a workbook for reference.
Begin at the bottom left brick. Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone. Continue to the right. When each row is complete, move to the above row starting at the far left. I added the 3 on the bottom row to apply The Samaritan Woman’s conversation and ended with Jesus and matching scripture. Click here to download.
Click here to download the worksheet for the Samaritan Woman at the well.
Click here to see the other worksheets in the Life of Jesus.

Bible Verse: John 4:24.
Click here to download the visuals for this lesson. 
You can click here to download the visuals as black & white pictures to color.
These visuals have been updated as shown.
Not all visuals are shown.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)

1 comment:

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.