
Monday, November 13, 2017

Judges Lapbook ~ Updated
I was asked if I had a black & white Judges lapbook.
I didn't and thought it needed updating anyway....

So, just a short post with this updated Judges lapbook. I like these visuals and have learned how to clean them up and even how to make them black & white. I have been adding the black & white pictures to color to all the new preschool posts so they are available.
Anyway, no this does not include Abimelech. Click here to see why. An ink saver would be to print the cover in color and the judges in black & white. I usually print the teacher's visual in color and have the answers already written in the lapbook. For Bible class, I always have the lapbooks cut and glued and ready to use to save time.
You can see the lesson below for the answers to include in the lapbook:
Click here to see the lesson and more on the Judges.
This is an updated set of Judges Posters In color with Sweet Graphics.
Click here to download this set.
The judges posters have been updated!
This set has key points for each person.


  1. Wonderful material!!!! thank you for your time and effort spent in preparing this material

  2. Thanks for this! I'm going to use the first page of the document to make a sticker attendance chart for each student


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.