
Monday, September 3, 2018

God Makes the Animals in the Savanna 
This is part of our preschool learning we did at home. It includes ideas that can be used at home to learn about God and the Bible. *This is intended for home use or preschool (or kindergarten) classes. They are not intended for Bible class.
This post actually contains information, pictures and ideas I used two different years. I started the post with what we did to play and learn about the safari. But, I didn't finish it. So, I did a totally different learning style when we studied the Savanna animals the next year.
We pretended to go on a safari hunt to look for the different animals. I made them a 'tourist' bag with things like notepad & pen, flashlight, binoculars, compass, a magnifying glass, a bag of play money, the interactive reader with smiley or heart stickers, etc.
The poster included in the download is a safari background. It does not have any animals on it. I printed one background, laminated it, and used it for each area I put the animals. The background was also used with the color Word Wall animals as a review. They told me the animal and we set it on the background.
I used the kids Fisher Price animals and put them around the house. They had to 'find' each set. For each animal, I put the background behind the toy animals. We talked about each one. What color did God make them? Then, they added a sticker to the square in their interactive book. You can have them use a check mark or an X if you don't have stickers.
They really loved these photo books!
I printed the matching photo picture cards and they put them put them in cheap photo books.
They had these cute zebra photo albums at Wal Mart of their Safari hunt.
These posters are two per page to save ink and in color only. They are real photos of animals in the Savanna. Click here to download.
I purchased this habitat pack and the kids love using stickers! I used the Grassland set from this pack.
I also found these animal packs at Dollar Tree and they loved getting their animals to play with!
I pulled out the Savanna pack from their Habitat notebook. They used the pictures I put into envelopes and spread those out. We named them and then they used the plastic animals in the above set, they placed them on the corresponding photo of each animal. You can use any animals including any Fisher Price safari animals or these (which they loved. I purchased at Michaels and/or Hobby Lobby with a percent off coupon).
I found this really cute free zoo animal book here. Once it is put together, and their girl or boy is attached to a string, it can go in a pocket that is created.
If you have Fisher Price animals or other sets, it is fun to let them pick out the animas you have studied. They can be grouped together, or line them up by size, count them, talk about the different characteristics each animal has, etc.
We looked at these books from the library. This means this is what our library had available. If there is not a link, then it was not on Amazon at the time of posting. I suggest looking at your library to see what is available for free and if you love any of the books, then purchase them. Some of these are not really for preschoolers. The bottom right is a sticker book I found at Dollar Tree.
Some of the animal books we used this month are Dear Zoo, Good Night Gorilla, Zoo Train, Jungle Book (Usborne),

Click here to see more ideas on my Zoo Animals Pinterest board.
See these posts with more information and ideas about the specific animals:
Elephants                                 Giraffes                                 Lions
Click here to see the list and links of the other animal habitats in this series.

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