
Friday, April 26, 2019

Gideon Guided Bible Reading
These Guided Bible Reading Learning Packs were originally created to be sold on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have several packs started, completed or somewhere in between and have been working on them for a couple of years. I started making these all-inclusive packs to use at home for Bible study or homeschooling, but they are perfect for Bible class also. Since I was using them at home, they cover a wider range of abilities. Some printables are for preschool and some for older elementary ages. And ages in between! The scripture is Judges 6-7.

There are several extras included like a Gideon Mask, Stand-Ups, assorted styles of torches, ram's horn trumpets and a pitcher.
I also realize that some people do not like graphics for Bible material, so a lot of the printables do not have any. Most pages are available in color and black & white when possible. Most worksheets with Biblical questions have a teacher's answer sheet included. This has a lot of pages, and you won't use everything unless you are using it for a variety of ages.
Here is what is included and some ideas to use the pages:
The lesson and scriptures are in the pack first, then a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. These lessons follow directly through the scripture. After or during the scripture reading, it can be used as a clarification of the text. Or, if you are using this pack for more than one study session, it can be read as a reminder of what was learned previously.   This is intended for older students, but for preschool or non-writers, the questions can be read and discussed instead. Some of the worksheets are designed to help the students think deeper about Gideon and how they would act and feel during a similar situation.
There is a map included. You can print in color and black & white. I picked one key verse for Gideon. There are posters in color and black & white. There are fill-in-the-blank worksheets (NKJV) and a worksheet for younger students to copy the scripture and are black & white only. All these will help with memorization.
This includes a color and black & white one-page foldable book (not shown).
There is also a set of Review the Facts (AKA flash cards) Cards to review the scripture. And Word Wall labels (not shown) are included. These are black & white only but can be printed on color paper. They can be put into a container for students to pick out or hand out and answer or divide the class into groups and make it game. They LOVE these buzzers and get excited when they see them!
There are pictures to color (not shown).  There is a maze, crossword puzzle, word search and word scramble.
Younger students love these stand-up displays. This includes the color and black & white background and people. Print on cardstock. Cut around the outside solid line of the stand-up and fold on the center dotted line. They can retell what they remember of the Bible account.
These accessories are a separate download and includes a 3-D torch and 2 choices of print, cut and use torches: 2 styles of ram's horn trumpets and a pitcher. Most have the color and black & white included. This held up really well! He played with it for 2 weeks and it still looked perfect.
Click here to download.
Masks are fun for students to use. Purchase some fleece fabric and create a Gideon hands-on activity. Directions are included in the download.
Color and black & white Gideon mask can be downloaded here.
The file contains updated visuals for Judges 6-7, and all are not shown.

Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)


  1. Thank you for an excellent resource!!!

  2. Thank you so much for this excellent unit on Gideon! As a Christian school teacher doing online learning right now it's hard to find activities to engage students, but your lesson pack is the answer to my prayers!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.