
Monday, January 2, 2023

Ruth Whosit? Game

Ruth review game and worksheet by Jeanne Dickson.
It's so easy... it's amazing!

Thanks again to Jeanne Dickson for these great lesson review games and worksheets! Students love reviewing with a game. Just say game and they are ready to learn!

After telling the lesson about Ruth, play this review game called Whosit? You can make up your own questions or statements and let the kids answer by using the four cards. Some of the questions that are included have one or two answers and one question has three answers.

Students will lay down the correct person/people picture card to answer the question. The picture shown above is a variation on the picture cards. Cut the checkmarks from the worksheet and students can lay a checkmark on the correct person/people to answer the questions.

Note from Jeanne: The Whosit? Game is a lot of fun but can be a little more difficult for the 4s & 5s, because they don't read very well, yet.  They had a harder time remembering which picture was which person.
This is the Ruth worksheet by Jeanne. Students will underline or circle the correct answers that are in parenthesis.

Click here to download everything shown.

The Newsletter Foldable can be used as a review handout, sent in the mail or in an email, especially for those unable to be in class. The same lesson is included for the teacher.

 This is the inside with the lesson and pictures. On the outside, Jeanne adds notes and assorted items. She might add a Bible verse, memory verse, a Bible song or two, a picture to color, a reward reminder and/or notes about class and hello to students. You could add a puzzle, maze, worksheet, whatever you prefer.

Click here to download.
Here is a song for Ruth by Jeanne Dickson! This includes a one-page black & white printable of the song and a color flipchart of the song. Click here to download.
Here is another song by Jeanne Dickson! This includes a one-page black & white printable of the song and a color flipchart of the song. Click here to download.

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