Bible Fun For Kids: Genesis

Showing posts with label Genesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genesis. Show all posts

1.9. Genesis: Jacob's Dream

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Jacob's Dream is lesson 9 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.8. Genesis: Jacob & Esau

Friday, September 23, 2016
Jacob & Esau is lesson 8 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.7. Genesis: Rebekah at the Well

Friday, September 16, 2016
Rebekah at the Well is lesson 7 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.6. Genesis: God's Promise to Abraham Fulfilled

Friday, September 9, 2016
God's promise to Abram is Fulfilled is lesson 6 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening. We continued learning about the promises that God made to Abraham. God always keeps His promises and Abraham and Sarah had Isaac.

1.5. Genesis: Abram & Lot Pick Land

Thursday, September 1, 2016
Abram Travels to a New Land is lesson 5 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.4. Genesis: Tower of Babel

Friday, August 26, 2016
The Tower of Babel is lesson 4 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.3. Genesis: Noah's Ark

Friday, August 19, 2016
Noah's Ark is lesson 3 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening.

1.2. Genesis: Adam & Eve

Friday, August 12, 2016
Adam and Eve are lesson 2 in the first quarter of a year of Preschool Bible Study that I assist with on Wednesday evening. *Note: This lesson is mostly a review of creation and includes Adam & Eve eating the fruit. They had to leave the Garden of Eden for their disobedience.

1.1 Genesis: Creation

Friday, August 5, 2016
This begins a year of preschool curriculum for a preschool class I am assisting with for Wednesday night Bible class. This is the first lesson in the first quarter studies of Genesis (1.1).

Cathy's Corner: Cain & Abel

Thursday, June 25, 2015
Cathy uses these visuals with a magnetic board. But, this set also includes pieces that she uses as a game.

My Visit to the Creation Museum

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Today's post is written by Danielle Ringold. She was able to visit the Creation Museum and we are sharing thoughts and photos from the visit. I was able to visit when it just opened up and they have added a lot since my visit. We really enjoyed it! My thoughts that I have added are in (parenthesis). And, I have added a Pocket Facts Printable that can be used with or without going to the Creation Museum. It can be used to look at some Bible Facts Creation to Jesus Christ & Paul.

Genesis Room Decorating by Nicole

Thursday, April 17, 2014
 Here is another post with pictures and ideas from my Niece Nicole! These whole room decorations are for Genesis lessons. As always, there are pictures and basic instructions of what she did. These are to help give you ideas, but it will be up to you to actually recreate! Thanks for sharing with us Nicole!

Genesis Lesson List With Links

Saturday, March 1, 2014
*This isn't the newest list anymore, but you can find them by clicking here or looking for specific people on the right, either by using the search bar or LABELS list.
I have had requests for a list of the lessons in order from several people, so I will be adding them with the links. This post is to make it easy for you to find the order of all the lessons available from Genesis. Just click on the picture of the lesson you'd like to see. (I taught Genesis in one quarter, so there are some lessons not listed here, but I will try to add as I have time.) Also, there are other lessons, bulletin boards, projects, etc. for a lot of the lessons, so you can use the search bar on the right if you are interested to see if more posts are available.

Genesis: Joseph Reunited With His Family in Egypt

Saturday, August 24, 2013
Today's lesson finishes up the book of Genesis and Joseph! Next quarter will be Moses and there is so much to learn from him! We continued our Joseph in Egypt lesson with the kids wearing the Egyptian outfits. There is a quick printable project for today. It is a good reminder to love God no matter what is happening in your life. Joseph stayed faithful while he was a servant and stayed faithful even with all the power he was given in Egypt. There are so many lessons that could be learned from Joseph & Moses! Thanks for stopping by!

Genesis: Joseph in Prison & Pharaoh’s Dreams Including the Butler and the Chief Baker's Dreams

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Owl Bulletin Board for Old Testament People

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I actually was looking for a new owl bulletin board set from Carson Dellosa, and they have several choices, but none of my local teacher supply stores had any of them in stock!
So, I used the owl graphics I have from and made my own!

Genesis: Joseph's Dreams and His Colorful Coat

Sunday, August 11, 2013
This is such a fun lesson!

Genesis: Jacob & His Family

Sunday, August 4, 2013
Today's lesson is continuing with Jacob and his family. We will discuss his leaving Laban with Leah and Rachel and his children. He wrestles an angel and sees Esau again. We also touch on his twelve sons. We will finish Genesis in the next three weeks studying Joseph. 

Genesis: Jacob’s Ladder

Sunday, July 28, 2013
This week's lesson is Jacob's Ladder. There are printables to make your own tri-fold visual and a mini book for Jacob's dream. We also discussed Jacob working for his Uncle Laban and marrying Leah, then Rachel. Next week's lesson will have several choices to print Jacob's family and who his children connect to.

Genesis: Jacob & Esau

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
For this Jacob & Esau lesson, I set up areas in the classroom and we acted out the lesson. I used the tent that is always up for 'Isaac' to sit in. I set up cooking utensils, the fire and pot for Jacob, then 'Rebekah to cook. I brought a crock pot of meat cooked to add to the sensory part of the lesson. I had a scroll for Jacob and a bow and arrows for Esau. Also, I made arm and neck coverings for 'Jacob' to wear. Most of these are items that I have used for probably 20 years!