
Friday, August 18, 2023

Walking in Sonshine VBS: 3. Jesus is a Friend to Lazarus
The third lesson in the Walking in Sonshine VBS was Jesus being a friend to Lazarus.
I purchased this 10'x8' background here. It is great because all I had to do was add Lazarus! I moved Jesus from Feeding the 5000+ to this wall for the lesson. Jesus was purchased here but is not in stock any longer. Download Lazarus pieces here. Print on cardstock and piece together to make Lazarus about 6'. 

If you didn't know from my other VBS posts, I love the fabric backdrops! They are so much easier to put up than paper and so colorful. The kids (and adults) love them! AND it takes minutes to take down! Which is fantastic because you know how tired you are after VBS! Just pull a corner and pull down the rest of the background. Everything you staple on top will come off with it and it's so easy! Just fold, and I staple a small picture with the size on it so I can easily find it the next time. Because they can be used again and again! Best VBS find ever!
We used a hot potato like this or this for the review game. I took the music box out and my assistant sang kid's Bible songs with her back (or eyes closed) to the students that were in a circle so they could easily pass the hot potato, and when she stopped, the student holding the hot potato was asked to answer a question.
 Another option, see here for another way to use this, whoever has the hot potato can talk about something they can do to help a friend since the lesson is about Jesus being a friend. If they don't know, describe a situation, and let them discuss what they can do to help their friend. (This is an old photo.)

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