Terms of Use

Friday, February 22, 2013
All printables are free on this site. You may download them for your personal or classroom or Mission use. I am so glad you can use them! Please do not add them to your website, sell, or claim them as your own.

Here is the standard Copyright that will be on the newest downloads effective 5 March 2020 on all downloads. This just clarifies some questions you might have.

Even though this is a free printable, please respect my work, time and copyright by not sharing. Please direct others to my website for their own free download @ www.BibleFunForKids.com.  These may be printed and used as a visual or student project in any children’s Bible learning situation such as Bible class, VBS, mission work, day care, etc. Yes, this file may be shared with the church office for printing for your use. Yes, the document(s) may be printed and stored in the teacher’s resource room files for others to use.  The file, document(s), or the link are not permitted to be shared on your website. The document(s) may not be added to your file and shared/sold your own work.
Thank you, Debbie Jackson   

If you blog about the printables or visuals, or anything on this website, please add a link back to the blog page (not the printable) and your traffic can download the printables and view the actual visuals, pictures, etc. here, from the original owner, creator and purchaser of the graphics to make the item.

Anonymous left a comment below asking what I feel is sharing. Do I just mean internet? Here is my long answer!

What I mean by sharing is yes, partly the internet. Say, you have something you downloaded here and a friend tells you "I like that, can I have a copy". Instead of sending the file, please send them the website link so they can see it here and download it themselves.

And the same with the internet.

Please say "I found this printable free at www.BibleFunForKids.com/ and here is the post where you can download yours. It is annoying for bloggers to put all the time, creativity, money for graphics, etc. into a printable or idea and see it on another person's site. Yes, it has happened to me.

Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by!

Legal Stuff:

** You can see the Privacy Policy Page here.

The legal Web Site Agreement that is really hard to read but is supposedly supposed to be here.

The LONNNGGGG  legal version of the Terms of Use is here.


  1. Hey Debbie, Love your site. I am looking for a lesson on the work of the priests for 3rd,4th & 5th grade and didn't really find anything. Do you have anything on that subject? Thank you so much. My email is nthomas66@bellsouth.net and my name is Nancy Thomas

    1. I am sorry that I do not have anything for that age group, and I don't have anything for the priests specific jobs. It seems like you could use the file folder game, with the items in the tabernacle and discuss what the priests did. But, thanks for the idea and I will think on this and make something for it, but it will be a while.


  2. Would you mind elaborating on what you think of as "sharing" in your copyright notice? I can't see printing out the visuals and giving them to an eager parent after I teach class as being anything bad. Do you simply mean via the internet?

    1. Well, I had this big paragraph written, so I decided to add it above and just say that giving visuals to parents after class is OK with me. I always hope the parents will discuss and ask and review what their children are leaning in class. Thanks for asking and I am glad you stopped by.

    2. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

    3. Thanks for clarifying! God bless you for your work for the Lord!


  3. Hi Debbie, excellent site sharing the word of God with youngsters. My daughter and her husband run a children's ministry at our church. The reason I came across your site was when searching images on Google. I came across an image of yours (1.door) that I thought would be great as one of my Facebook profile images. Would it be ok to use for this purpose? God bless, Jim

    1. Hello, Jim, thank for the comment. I am not sure which picture you are talking about, if you let me know the link, I can see it that way. If it is a visual from Sweet Publishing, you can see their TOU here: http://www.dsmedia.org/resources/illustrations/sweet-publishing. You can also see what their visuals look like, and find all of them that are available.

  4. Hi Deb,
    I was wondering what is the name of the children's illustrated bible you use a lot for your printables? I read that bible so much as a child and have been looking for the title and publisher!

    1. Hello Morgan, the visuals were created by http://sweetpublishing.com and you can find them here free: http://distantshores.org/resources/illustrations/sweet-publishing Thanks for stopping by!

  5. All of your work is amazing! It is truely a blessing to have found your website here. I have just started teaching my 6 and 2 year old daughters about The Fruits of The Spirit and you have givin so many fantastic ideas and God has blessed you with such wondeful teaching. I also teach 2-5 year olds at my Church in New Zealand and some of your printables will be great. I would love to buy some things from your website, do you send to different countries by any chance? Thank you so much for your awesome website :)
    Kind Regards,
    God Bless x

    1. Hello, Rachel, Thank you for the comment! I appreciate it1 I am not sure what you are wanting to purchase... everything you see here is free to download. What visuals can't be downloaded, I try to give details on how to create your own. Well, unless it is not my idea and someone is letting me use their photo to share their idea with you. Please let me know if something isn't downloading for you, or if you have more questions. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Thank you!
    Thank for the work you have done.
    Thanks for being so generous to allow others to use these great lessons. I love the Spirit of learning and sharing you have.

    Thanks again,

  7. Hi Debbie,
    I'm a bible class teacher for a few years, I have a hard time making visuals well, your site and lovely visuals are so exact! Really like the acts of worship especially. is it ok I could purchase and have a copy
    for my class? Not sure how your site works by payment? ginger

    1. Ginger, thanks for stopping by. Everything on this blog is free and you should be able to find a "click here" and instantly download what items you are wanting. Or, look for the print that is in blue or sometimes pink and underlined. There is a link attached and click on it and that will take you to the download or information that is being discussed.

  8. Debbie, your site has been invaluable to me! I am responsible for the crafts for our congregation's children's Bible classes for 14 weeks. Thank you for all the time, effort and prayer that you put forth to produce these remarkable lessons!!! God bless you in your work! chris

  9. Debbie, thank you for sharing your God-given talent with the world! Your site has been invaluable! I am responsible for crafts and bulletin boards for our congregation's children's Bible classes for 14 weeks. Thank you for all the time, effort, study and prayer you have put forth! God bless you in this endeavor!!!! Chris

  10. Thank you Chris! Your comments mean a lot and I appreciate them! Glad you can use some of the items! Thanks!

  11. Hi Debbie, just found your site. I will be homeschooling my son and I have been looking for a great bible resource. Your site is just perfect. Thank you for your time in putting all of these. God bless you more! Love from the Philippines.

  12. Hi Debbie , im trying to figure out how to print Genesis Cain and Able game ?

    1. Hello Delfina, for the printables on this site, most have the photo then a description. At the end of the description, there is a sentence in blue or pink that states click here to print, or download here, etc. Just click and the document will come up for you to download. Here is the direct link for the Cain & Abel game: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpY3BlNVZSWFJLbjQ/edit
      I appreciate you stopping by!

  13. Hello Debbie, thank you for all the work you have done on this site and thank you for your generosity with your work. I have just begun teaching K-1st grade after teaching older students and women for the past several years, so what you have is wonderful for me. However, I am unfamiliar with "lap books" so I was wondering where I can find out how to make them?

    1. Mary, the kids love lapbooks and file folder games. Lapbooks can be put together by the students, or before class. Here is my link with some answers, and if you go down the page, the Miracles of Jesus has the directions for assembly: http://www.biblefunforkids.com/2014/02/what-is-lapbook.html

    2. You might be able to find more answers and ideas on my Pinterest board here: https://www.pinterest.com/djac123/bible-lapbooks-ffg-books-foldables-etc/. This concept began with homeschoolers, but I have used them in class a lot as a review. Lapbooks are usually used one time and are basically Q&A or fill in the blank type answering. File Folder Games are created to reuse and are great to have for early arrivers or review. I appreciate you stopping by!

  14. Thanks for all your hard work! I'm using several things for my Bible class. I don't mean to be picky, but in your tabernacle print out of the articles of the tabernacle you spelled altar wrong. It should be altar not alter. Two different meanings.

  15. Thanks for letting me know... I thought I had corrected everything with altar! Everything is updated. I appreciate you letting me know!

  16. Debbie,
    Do you have any materials on the healing of the centuion's servant? Thanks for all you do.
    Leah Faughn

    1. I have the lesson ready to be posted Feb 17, 2017 for preschool. If this is the age group, you can email me at debbiedavejackson81@yahoo.com and let me know what you are looking for.

  17. Debbie,
    God has giving you an awesome gift. In Kids Club our church is doing Moses. Your Crossing of The Sea props are great. Will be use this Sunday for Kids Talk. Have share your website with our leader. God bless

  18. thank you Debbie for your website!
    i was teaching Moses and found your website and that my plan on teaching them from the beginning is exactly what you had! your website has been very helpful to both myself and my students.
    thank you very much

  19. Debbie,
    Thank you for all of the work you have done on this website. I love your material. I especially appreciate how you stick with the Bible story and you let the Bible teach. I am teaching a series called "In the Beginning" that deals with Genesis. Your site has been very helpful.
    I will tell other about your site.

  20. Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for all that you do! I truly love your site and am so grateful to have found it!

  21. Hi Debbie,
    I have enjoyed your blog and really appreciate all the work you do to help Bible class teachers spread God's word to children. Your site has been a blessing to me.

  22. I love your lessons! Thank you for all your hard work!

  23. Hello Debbie,
    I thank God for your gift to us. I was looking for something to send to my compassion international child I am sponsoring in Dominican Republic. I also teach children's church and the work you have done will be instrumental in their lives too.

  24. Thanks for the awesome ideas...and your inspiring story. I teach the 3rd - 5th graders at our church's after school program. I always think simple is best for the kids to have clear "take aways" from our time together. Your lessons are so clearly laid out! Prayers as you journey...
    Karen from Wisconsin

  25. Hi Debbie, your site is awesome! I really appreciate all your hard work in writing out the lessons. They make are so useful and so clear. It makes my work so much easier. Thank you so much and God bless you!

  26. Hi Debbie, I am teaching Bible stories using ppt with images and scripture to primary age children who have no Christian background. They especially love to read the scripture and view the image on each slide. Images help make the scripture come alive. I have been on images.google looking for free images, and found some; however, images are difficult to find that are FREE. I came across your website under several images that I would be useful for my ppt lessons, so am writing you to find out if these are useable free or copyrighted? It is very difficult to find the images I need for lessons. Please let me know if the images with your name under it is for free use. If they are not, if you know where I can go on the internet to find free images, I would appreciate it very much. Your ministry is very special and your willingness to share is awesome! God bless!

    1. Hello! Most of the visuals are free @ http://sweetpublishing.com w/o copyright. Most of the graphics @ https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/ and those are copyrighted. Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Thank you so much for the work you do. My class has really enjoy using your material. I thank God for the work you do. Alfi

  28. Thank you so much for the materials and the work you do for the Lord. The worksheets are so valuable to my lessons!

  29. I am so grateful to have found your site. I can't wait to start using these with my kiddos in Sunday School. They are going to love this! Thanks so much for sharing.

  30. Hi, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for sharing these resources. God bless

  31. Good afternoon Debbie,

    I like your site. I like to use one of your pictures of your website. We use it in a educational map to tell Bible stories to refugee-children. It is not for commercial use.
    Is it allright if we use this pictures and we put the name of your website underneath?
    I mean the pictures of the power of God (from the story of Elijah).

    God bless,
    Steveline (Holland)

    1. Hello, you are permitted to print and use any pictures, visuals, printables for teaching purposes that are on this website. This includes Bible classes, homeschooling, VBS, Christian Education, etc. without any additional permissions.

  32. Hi, Debbie. I love your artwork. Is this something you do yourself? Our ministry, Christ For Me, produces a FREE publication for children called Seekers in Sneakers. You can see a copy here: http://online.fliphtml5.com/jtqkw/qnxt/. I'm in need of some artwork for our Bible Lesson on Simeon and Anna and perhaps the wise men's visit. Our current circulation in print is about 600, and then we also have it available on the Internet. Would it be possible to use some of your art?

    1. Hello, the visuals and their TOU are @ https://www.unfoldingword.org/sweet-publishing/. Any clipart (which I don't think you are asking about; but just in case) is @ https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/

  33. Debbie,
    Can we use your craft you have for the Rich Fool on our Children's website so they can use it with the story we are teaching on line? I love your things you do and use them in my Classrooms but now we have to do everything on line.
    Cathy March
    Director of Children's Ministry
    Willow Glen Bible Church
    San Jose, CA 95117

    1. Hello Cathy, I have given permission for several different uses during this Corona time. So, yes, you may use the craft and use the direct download link to share the project so your users can download it directly from your page. This will keep copyrights intact and not create issues with the clipart designers' graphics that I use. I appreciate you asking and this gives you permission to use other printables the same way during this crisis without having to ask each time. Thank you, Debbie

  34. I am so thankful for your website!!! I have used it over and over to get ideas for lessons for my Sunday school children. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work.

  35. Dear Debbie,
    Please know that your illustrations are not for kids only. I'm the Protestant Pastor at a Retirement Community and I use your pictures in the power point slides of my sermons (currently Acts). YOU are a blessing to me and our SENIORS (of which I am one).
    Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!
    Pastor Kurt
    Henry Ford Village
    Dearborn, MI

    1. Thank you! Glad you can use them. Be sure to look for the updated visuals. Acts are complete and the intro picture has (typically) 8 pictures to show what is in the file.

  36. Hi Debbie,
    I just wanted to check the copyright for your illustrations. We are doing a short series on Acts 12-15 at our church after Easter and I was looking for illustrations for my children's talks (since I'm not artistic myself). I found your illustrations for Acts 13 and they suit two weeks of my talks perfectly. I see from your terms of use that it is fine to print your materials for kids church classes, is it also okay to use them in a powerpoint for our church service? Also we are currently livestreaming our services so that people who can't attend because of covid-19 can watch at home - is it okay if your illustrations are seen in the powerpoint in our online service? Naturally I would attribute your work in the final slide of the powerpoint. Let me know if you are okay with us using your illustrations for the kids talks in this way.
    Happy Easter!
    Kind regards,

    1. Jocelyn, yes, it is great that you can use them and permitted to use them for PowerPoints. Thanks for asking! Debbie

  37. Hi Debbie, I forgot to tick notify me so if you could send your comments to my email address I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Jocelyn

  38. A couple of years ago our church had a VBS on the Armor of God. On of the printables in the kit was a fill-in on each piece. Our church would like to use this printable in another way. We would like to use it as a daily reminder to put your armor on daily. Each piece will be labeled and the verse in Ephesians will be placed under each label. Would this be all right for us to do?

    Wanda Correll

  39. Thank you so much for what you have shared on your website. I am preparing something on the courage of Jochebed (Moses' mother) saving the life of her baby for our local church primary school here in UK. You drawings are perfect illustrations for the Bible text

  40. Hello
    Just wanted to say God Bless you and I pray you are well and still going strong for the LORD. I came across you site and your work is honorable to God's Kingdom. Keep up the God work and may our Lord always find you a usable vessel. Stay encouraged and many blessings I pray will fall upon you abundantly. Grace and Peace in Jesus name.

  41. Hi Debbie, first thank you so much for the fantastic work that you do on your website. It is truly inspirational and so helpful to our sunday school children. At the moment we are in the process of putting together daily devotionals to distribute to our sunday school children and we would like to use your pictures to illustrate the bible text which is in Korean. At the moment, we do not have our own artist but it is on our radar and with God's help we will be able to find someone soon from our congregation. In the meantime would you be able to give your consent to use your images in our work?

  42. Hello, the usage depends on what you want to use. Sorry! You can see the visuals and their TOU are @ https://www.unfoldingword.org/sweet-publishing/. Any clipart (which I don't think you are asking about; but just in case) is @ https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/ and cannot be used without purchasing due to copyright.

    1. HI Debbie
      Thank you for providing these wonderful resources to enable the young people in our church grow their faith in God. You are such a blessing.
      Blessings to you - Tamara Australia

  43. Do you have a printable link to your Esther Part 2 worksheet? I can only get it to come up with a page that's about 1/5 th the page size. It is also pixelated. I would really love to use it with my upcoming class a few weeks from now. Thank you!

    1. You can download it @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpZHR2V2Y0Zk1WbXc/view?ths=true&resourcekey=0-SLO4gH-5Zeg_YRWWzcM28A

  44. Hello, I was looking at the Investigating Bible Facts worksheet and was wondering if it could be edited? I was wanting the finding area to have: Book, Chapter, Verse, Testament: and Page. I am having the students find certain verses in the Bible that go along with the Bible story.

    1. Nikki, I could not edit the original worksheet because it was lost when my computer crashed. I updated it with the graphics that are available, and you can download it @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NdwtY7dhMqqlRdiozglbvHn_J86ovSW9/view?usp=sharing

  45. Hi Debbie. I enjoyed viewing your work. You have done an amazing work. I would like to use your illustrations (on Samson presently) for visuals for sermon PowerPoints. Is that possible with a tag line on the pictures? We will be looking at some of your vbs materials as well. Again what a good work you are doing!

    1. Hello, if you are wanting to use the Sweet visuals like these @ https://www.unfoldingword.org/sweet-publishing, then yes, they can be used. They have a CC license you can see at that information at that link also. Most of those are updated on this site and can be used since I didn't secure the PDF's. You can find more free visuals @ https://freebibleimages.org/. Sorry, but any of the others that are clipart are copyrighted and can't be used free but would have to be purchased at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/.

  46. Dear Debbie, I have a website www.ChristianReadingBooksByJoye.com where our prayer is that God guides others hearts and minds, and I was trying to work on a child's presentation about "the Armor of God"... and I saw your video and it is so powerful. Am I able to share your video on our website with permission from you? Thank you. In Christ, Geneva Massingill

  47. Sorry, but I do not have any videos. Thanks for asking, and I would appreciate it if you see it again, and it has the Bible Fun For Kids logo, please send me the link.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.