God Makes the Apples

Tuesday, September 4, 2018
The kids love Apple Taste Testing Day! Main Question of the Day:
Who makes the apples? The apple trees? Isn't God awesome?

We do an apple day every fall. The kids love tasting the different apples. Green (Granny Smith) won, by the way. For the apple taste test, I just looked for different colors of apples.
Green: Granny Smith
Yellow: Washington
Red: Red Delicious
Misc.: Cripps Pink (because the girls like pink ☺)
Misc..: Braeburn
I also had apple juice and applesauce.
I used this free worksheet for the taste test. I crossed out the pie and muffin and wrote the Misc. apples in the space.
I used a worksheet from this free pack called Apple Exploration. We talked about the five senses with the apples and I wrote down something about each apple. There are a couple of easy experiments to do also.
First, we read a book about Johnny Appleseed and we read Apples For Everyone. We sang Tiny Apple Seed song from this free Apple Pack and looked at the papers:  "Which one is different?" There are so many Johnny Appleseed books to choose from, so you could check your library for a free one.
They liked the Johnny Appleseed sticker set. Well, anything with stickers!
I used the page of different size apples from this free set. They like to line up the pictures and sort them. They called this their apple train!
We finished up with Apple Life Cycle. I found a free one I liked here.
It is nice because it includes color cards to use as a visual.

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