Creation VBS

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

  Click here to see the above backdropOr here for another option. Or here for another option. 

Grass bulletin board paper was added to the bottom.

Thank you to Jeanne Dickson for permission to share these photos and ideas. Jeanne's congregation used Operation Creation by Apologetics Press. Click here to see more.  These are decorating pictures only and links I could find to help you design your own creation VBS. Sorry, I don't have any more information than what is posted. The photos are not in any order. From the pictures, you will need lots of animals! 😉

Start looking for backgrounds early because I purchased a couple of the same backgrounds during the Amazon sale already, which you will see, for our VBS next year, which begins with creation. If you didn't know from my other VBS posts, I love the fabric backdrops! They are so much easier to put up than paper and so colorful. The kids (and adults) love them! AND it takes minutes to take down! Which is fantastic because you know how tired you are after VBS! Just pull a corner and pull down the rest of the background. Everything you staple on top will come off with it and it's so easy! Just fold, and I staple a small picture with the size on it so I can easily find it the next time. Because they can be used again and again! Best VBS find ever!
Here are some of the animals and assorted ways to decorate and add dimension to the scene.
This is the front of the auditorium.
This is amazing! Jeanne laid on the floor to take the first photo. The kids (and adults) would love seeing that when they walk into the room!
Notice the backdrop and the table with sea animals.

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