Bible Fun For Kids: Miracles

Great Catch of Fish! Lift-the-Flap

Jesus Walked on Water File Folder Game

Luke Chapter 18 Jesus Healed the Blind

Luke Chapter 17 Ten Lepers Healed

Peter Find a Coin in a Fish!
This Jesus lesson is found in Matthew and is part of the Life of Jesus series of lessons not found in the book of Luke. They are designed for older students with some worksheets and printables that correspond for younger students so they can be used in classes with several ages together.

Jesus Raises Lazarus
This Jesus lesson is found in John 11 (lessons from the book of John will be added 2026) and is part of the Life of Jesus series of lessons not found in the book of Luke. They are designed for older students with some worksheets and printables that correspond for younger students so they can be used in classes with several ages together.

Jairus' Daughter & Lazarus Newsletter Foldables

Luke Chapter 9 Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Luke Chapter 8 Jairus' Daughter
The Luke chapter study is designed for older students with some worksheets and printables that correspond for younger students so they can be used in classes with several ages together or used specifically for an event that is in the chapter. This is part 4 of chapter 8.

Luke Chapter 8 Legion
The Luke chapter study is designed for older students with some worksheets and printables that correspond for younger students so they can be used in classes with several ages together or used specifically for an event that is in the chapter. This is part 3 of chapter 8.

Luke Chapter 8 Jesus Calms the Storm