There was a wedding feast and sometimes they lasted up to seven days! Jesus had 6 of His Disciples with Him and they had been traveling for three days. Mary, His mother, told Jesus that there is no wine. And He said to her, "Why should it concern Me?" There were six pots (big enough to hold 20-30 gallons each)
Jesus told the servants to fill them with water and then take some to the bridegroom. He said: Usually, people put out the good wine and keep the inferior wine for last, but this time you saved the best for last! Verse 11: This is the beginning of signs that Jesus did. AND His Disciples believed Him.
(John 4:46-48) The second miracle the Bible tells us that there was a nobleman that had a sick son. He went to Jesus and begged Him to go to
Capernaum (about 20 miles away) to heal his son because he was dying. Jesus
said that people wouldn’t believe in Him unless they saw Him do miracles. He told
the man: “Go your way; your son lives.” So, the man believed and left.
When he headed home, the servants met him and told him that his son lives! He asked them when his sons fever left, and they told him about 1 PM. He realized that was when Jesus told him, “Your son lives.” So, he and his whole household believed.
When he headed home, the servants met him and told him that his son lives! He asked them when his sons fever left, and they told him about 1 PM. He realized that was when Jesus told him, “Your son lives.” So, he and his whole household believed.
(John 5:5-9) There was also a man that had
a sickness for 38 years. Jesus could tell that he was sick for a long time. He
asked the man if he wanted to be healed and Jesus told him to “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately he was made well
and walked away!
(Matthew 8:2-4;
Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16) Jesus healed people with
leprosy. That was a terrible disease back then. People that had this disease
had to leave and live with others that had leprosy. If you touched someone that
had it, then you would get it. They had to stay 6 feet away from people. While
Jesus was traveling, a man came to Him that had leprosy. He fell with his face
on the ground and begged Jesus to heal him if He was willing. Jesus told him He
was willing, and He was filled with compassion. He reached out and touched the
man and He said, “Be clean.” Immediately the leprosy was gone! Anyone
else would have gotten the disease by touching the man, but not Jesus…He healed
(Luke 5:17-26)
Now this miracle took some work to pull off! People knew about Jesus and wanted
to see and hear Him. They were gathered on this day and there was a crowd and
people were even standing outside the doors.
was preaching to them and there were four men
that carried a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him to see Jesus.
They couldn’t get
through the crowd, so they made an opening in the roof and lowered the mat
right in front of Jesus.
Jesus told him to take
up his bed and go home. Immediately he stood up and took the mat and was healed!
Bible Verse: John 2:11
Click here to download the updated visuals for Jesus turns the water to wine in John 2.
(Not all are shown.)
These are the lapbook printables. You can print them here:
You can find all the download links for the Life of Jesus lapbooks and the lapbook worksheets here.
Click here to download the updated visuals.
(This file contains the visuals for Through the Roof. Not all are shown.)
Click here to download the pictures to color.
They are the same as the visuals but are black & white.
I purchased these jars at Wal Mart in the artificial flower dept. They are small, but just over $1.00 and good for little hands. Since some can't tie yet, I had these ready as you see. There are several colors to pick from, so I had them on the front table, first come, first to pick! When they come to class, I have what they need on the front table, and they know to pick one of each before they sit down. Hobby Lobby has some really cute ones I used the year before, but they were a lot more expensive this year. I have not seen any at Dollar Tree. Click here to print the tags (I used a square punch to cut them out) that help them to remember that this was the first miracle Jesus did.
Scripture taken from the New
King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
My Great Oaks Minister wrote a very good article on miracles. (My Son-in-Law is mentioned in it! ☺) You can find it here.
great website it really helped with my homework, I told my re teacher about this site and she loved it!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I appreciate you sharing the website with others! That is a big help!
ReplyDeletethat was a great story
ReplyDeletethanks a lot this really helped!!
ReplyDeleteThanks really helpful for teaching
ReplyDeletePraise GOD, thank you for this great website and the posts. As a substitute sunday school teacher i had to fill in at the last hour for kindergartners and frantically searched and found your site. It helped me a lot! Thank you and GOD bless!