Teen Tuesday: ABCD Cards

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Teen Tuesday: ABCD Cards
Today's post is guest written by Danielle Ringold! Danielle's posts are usually intended for teens, but today's idea can be used for a wide range of ages.
Before I became an instructional coach, I was a middle school classroom teacher. I quickly learned the importance of formative assessments. Formative assessments are ways to check for student understanding during the learning process so that the teacher can quickly adjust instruction to meet the needs of the students. One of my most favorite formative assessment practices was ABCD cards. Below you will find out more about using this strategy. Please note that it is useful in grades 1-12 and in schools and Bible classes.

Why use it?

*Quick way to gauge student’s knowledge during the learning process

*Interactive for students


*Engages students during class discussions

When to use?

*At the beginning of lesson to assess prior knowledge

*During the lesson to monitor student progress towards objective

*At the end of the lesson to determine mastery of objective
 Directions for making ABCD Cards

1. Download ABCD Cards here.

2. Print each sheet of letters on a separate color of copy paper or cardstock.

3. Laminate each sheet.
4. Cut out the letters into four rectangles with one letter on each rectangle.

5. Separate the cards into piles with 1 of each letter. Then hole punch the corners and put a ring on them or put the piles into individual sandwich bags.

Once your cards are ready, you can use them to guide responses on Power Points, tests, quizzes, and worksheets in a whole class setting. Just ask the question and have your students respond by raising their choice. The students will love this new way of going over work!

Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.

Thanks to Monica at Happy and Blessed Home for featuring this post!
Yah! This post is also listed at Free Homeschool Deals!
Thanks for visiting!

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