Teen Tuesday: Being Thankful

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Teen Tuesday: Being Thankful
 For this Teen Tuesday series, we will be sharing ideas from Danielle Ringold's Wednesday night classes with the high school young ladies. Though, these lessons are suitable for young men also.  This first lesson is about being thankful and there were a couple of interesting discussions... but, I can't tell you about that without giving away the lesson plan!
The month of November offers all of us a time to reflect and be thankful. However, as Christians we know that we are commanded to be thankful always. In Ephesians 5:20, Paul states to always give thanks to God.

With that in mind I wanted to start out the month of December with a lesson on being thankful.
When I started writing the lesson, my main point was how we, as Christians, are to be thankful year-round. Even outside of the month of November.
In order to really hook my students, we started class by listing the things that we have often thanked God for, and we had a group discussion.
Following this hook, we dove into several scriptures that compel us to be thankful and talked about what it really means to be thankful. Teenagers love group discussion.
After we discovered what the Bible says about being thankful, we moved on to a small thankful project that will help the students remember to be thankful and count their blessings every day.

Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.


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