3. Kings: 2. Nadab 3. Baasha 4. Elah 5. Zimri 6. Tibni 7. Omri

Friday, January 18, 2019
Lesson 3
 2. Nadab 3. Baasha 4. Elah 5. Zimri 6. Tibni 7. Omri
Kings #2 - #7 of Israel
1 Kings 15:20-16:28


2. Nadab 1 Kings 15:25-32
The first king of Israel was Jeroboam and he was king for 22 years. After he died, his son Nadab became the king. It was the second year of King Asa of Judah. All we know about him is that he was the king of Israel for 2 years. He was evil and sinned like his father. He worshipped idols instead of God and the people followed his bad example.
Nadab was killed during a siege at Gibbethon. The city was a Philistine city and Nadab and the men of Israel had laid siege. He was killed by Baasha.


3. Baasha 1 Kings 15:27-16:6

Baasha was the son of Ahijah from the tribe of Issachar. He had conspired against Nadab and killed him. Baasha self-appointed himself the king of Israel. It was during the third year of King Asa of Judah. He killed everyone in the house of Jeroboam. This was done according to God’s will because of Jeroboam’s sins.
There always seemed to be a war between the kings of Israel and Judah. This was true of King Asa of Judah and King Baasha of Israel.
Baasha was the king of Israel for 24 years. He was evil because he followed idols like Jeroboam and caused the people to sin by not worshipping God.


4. Elah 1 Kings 16:6-14

Elah was the next king of Israel. He was the son of Baasha and became king during the 26th year of King Asa of Judah. He reigned in Tirzah for 2 years. Zimri was his servant and commander of half of his chariots. Zimri conspired against Elah. Elah was drinking and was getting drunk at his steward’s (Arza) house. Zimri struck Elah and killed him at Arza’s house.
5. Zimri 1 Kings 16:8-20
The wars between the kings of Judah and Israel continued and as soon as Zimri took the throne, he killed everyone in Baasha’s household. God was so angry at Baasha for his idol worship, He told Jehu the prophet and Zimri killed all the males in Baasha’s house.
Zimri became king during the 27th year of King Asa’s reign of Judah. Zimri was a king for 7 days. The people were camped at Gibbethon which was a Philistine city. The people heard that Zimri had conspired and killed King Elah. The people of Israel made Omri the king. He was the commander of the army.
They went to Tirzah and took it over. When Zimri saw the city was taken, he went into the citadel (stronghold or fortress) of the king’s house. He set the king’s house on fire and he burned up in the fire and died.
 He was evil in God’s sight because he worshipped the idols that Jeroboam had made and the people worshipped the idols also.
6. Tibni  1 Kings 16:16-28

The people had made Omri king of Israel in Gibbethon. But the people were divided. Half of the people followed Tibni who was the son of Ginath. The other half followed Omri. They became co-kings of Israel during the 27th year of reign of King Asa of Judah.
The people that followed Omri conquered the people of Tibni though. When Tibni died in the 31st year of King Asa of Judah, Omri became sole king of Israel.
In verse 25, we are told that Omri did evil in God’s eyes and ‘did worse than all those before him’. Tibni didn’t make any changes to remove idol worship and he didn’t follow God.
It is also interesting to note that Tibni is not always considered a king according to some charts created. But note that in verse 21, we are told that half of the people made him king. In verse 22, it states ‘So Tibni died and Omri reigned.’ Omri didn’t [sole] reign until Tibni died. Tibni is listed first because Omri lived longer and the next king is listed after Omri in verse 28.


7. King Omri
Omri was the king of Israel for 12 years. During six years of his reign, he was in Tirzah. Omri purchased the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver. He built a city in the hill and named it Samaria.
He was evil in God’s sight and was worse than the other kings before him. He worshipped the idols that Jeroboam had built and the people followed him and worshipped the idols also.
The kings set the example of idol worship and the people followed their example. This made God angry because they weren’t following Him.
When Omri died, Ahab his son became the next king.
The application packs contain any extra posters, worksheets, maps, etc. specific for the king(s) listed. Each set is different and may contain printables that will be used for more than one king.
This pack has the information posters and the plain posters that are in all the packs. They would make a great bulletin board! Since there isn't much information for any of these kings, there is not much here. The basic worksheets are included and a map with the cities listed with these kings and a word scramble puzzle for these kings. Click here for the application pack.
Most visuals used in these lessons are in the Kings Visual Pack. This has an assortment of visuals that are used in several lessons. You can print one set to reuse, or print a set for each lesson. The other visuals are in the application pack. Click here to download.
All visuals used in these lessons are in the Kings Visual Pack. This has an assortment of visuals that are used in several lessons. You can print one set to reuse, or print a set for each lesson. Click here to download.

1 comment

  1. Thank you for your hard work. Just a few corrections:
    Zimri and Tibni didn't co-rule - I searched and there's nothing supporting that.
    Timri fought with Omri and died, he was never king.
    Other than that, good job!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.