Love in 1 Corinthians 13

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Another letter from the Apostle Paul.
Bible Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Our lesson today is found in 1 Corinthians 13. [verses 1-2] Paul is writing this letter to the Church at Corinth. Paul talks about love, and it is a good reminder for us as every day. Paul begins by saying that if you do not have love, you are like a clanging cymbal!
You know that a banging cymbal is Loud and annoying! And Paul says that isn't love. He said that it doesn’t matter how wise you are… if you don’t have love, then you don’t have anything.
1.Patient & Kind: Paul said even if he gave everything, he has to feed the poor, there would not be a profit (an advantage or reward) without love. (vs. 3-4)
Paul is saying to share and give with the right heart and with love. He wants you to give freely and not resent what you are giving.
2. Jealous: Love does not envy, does not parade itself and is not puffed up. Love isn’t jealous of what others have, and if you have things that others want, you shouldn’t make your friends jealous because you have it.
3. Boast: Love is not proud or big headed. That also means boasting or bragging. Accept what you have, what God has given you. Be happy, not "I want this and that".
4. Not Rude or Mean: Love does not behave rudely. Love is not impolite or mean. Love doesn’t do things that we’ll regret or be ashamed of later. Discuss being mean. (vs. 5)
5. Care About Others: Love does not seek its own. Love doesn’t look out for their own interests or just themselves. That also includes grabbing things from people. Or interrupting when someone is talking. Love cares about other people’s needs.
 6. Controls Temper:  Love is not provoked. That means that Love doesn’t become angry easily. Love is forgiving. Take time to let your temper cool down. Don’t hold grudges.
Love thinks no evil. Discuss anger and what angers the students and what they can do to control it.
7. Good Thoughts: Does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. Iniquity is sin or doing sinful things that God doesn't like. And just the opposite is to be happy to do what is right. (vs. 6)
8. Love bears all things. (Love protects.)
Love believes all things. (Love trusts)
Love hopes all things. (Love always has hope.)
Love never fails. (Love puts up with things and never gives up.) If you love someone or something, you never stop trying. Love is patient, willing to listen and take the time to pay attention. (vs. 7-8)
9. Look at today's Bible verse 13. There’s faith, hope and love.
Faith is believing in Jesus and knowing that He will do what’s best for us.
Hope is knowing that we will be with Jesus in Heaven.
And God is love! Love never ends.
We have faith in what Jesus taught us, and we know that if we do everything He commands, we will go to Heaven with Him.
10. Greatest is Love: BUT the greatest of these is love. Why? Finally, the Bible tells us that love keeps no record of wrongs. You have a piece of paper in front of you. Pretend that this is a list you’ve been making of things that bother you about other people. Let’s tear it up. Rip it to little pieces! Now there’s nothing standing in the way of you loving others.

Love thinks good things, and if you are thinking good things, you will do good things. Slow down and see if there’s something you can do to help someone …  You show your love by how you act and treat others.
You can also make this banner that was originally used with this lesson.
(The kids love it!)

Extra: **Make chocolate heart lollipops** I make chocolate suckers for the kids, one for them and one for them to share and show love. You can find the sucker molds at almost any craft store, but I purchased mine on eBay. Click here to print the love tags for the chocolate.
Click here to see this set of printables about the heart.
It can be used as an application review or even an introduction.
There is also a heart puzzle that would e great to use with this lesson.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. 


  1. I love this passage, and I love how you have made brought it to a level children can relate to. Really great post. :)

  2. Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving the nice comment!

  3. Debbie,
    Do you have a lesson on the letter to the Romans? I love your series on Paul's letters, and I was wondering if I just missed it or something. I love your blog!!!!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I really appreciate your nice comments! Actually, the last lesson for Letters From Paul is from Romans! Bee Who Jesus Wants You To Bee! It will post Sunday afternoon, the 19th. Do you need to see it before Sunday?

    2. Yes. I was planning on doing a lesson on the letter to the Romans on Sunday, May 19. I was going to start preparing tomorrow.

    3. Can you send me your email and I will send it early that way?

    4. I sent you an email. Thank you so much.

  4. A great resource for a bible class teacher. Certainly one of my favorite passages.

  5. Love it Awesome God Bless!

    1. Thanks! I love it that you wrote love it on the love post! ☺ Glad you stopped by!

  6. Will be using these visuals with my class this coming Sunday. Thank you so much for posting such great material.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the body. My children's class will love this! I am teaching on the fruits of the Spirit and this is a great lesson on love:)

  8. What a great lesson for February! Love the "love" banner =) Pinning!

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great weekend,

  9. Thank you Beth! Thanks so much for pinning! ☺I appreciate the comment!

  10. I am about to open my first ever children's small group. I am a teacher in our Children's ministry and have an adult small group but this is my first time venturing out to a kid's group. The first 6 weeks we will be doing 1 Corin. 13:4-8 breaking it down week by week. Your suggestions are amazing and I will be using them as part of the activity time. Thank you so much.

  11. Thank you for sharing such good visuals and teaching methods. I'm inspired reading it - I know my kids in SS will be too. Using it to teach this February

  12. What a great lesson. I love how you include the graphics so we walk kids through the lessons with visual aids. Great idea about chocolate lollipops and one to share

  13. Hi, I am in love with this great post. I love the chocolate lollipops too! Your blog is a perfect fit with our weekly linkup, Literacy Musing Mondays. I hope you will consider linking up posts with us this week at . Thanks.

  14. I love having visuals to go with lessons. Food, like the chocolate lollipops, always drives the point home with my kids too! I am happy to have found your blog!

  15. Thanks for this post. GOD bless you and your loved ones!

  16. Thank youu, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for everrr. Thanks for helping me to teach! God bless you and keep using you!♥

  17. Thank you for sharing this! It has really helped!

  18. I'm not able to click on the updated visuals for this lesson. Is the link working? I can print the originals just not the updated version. Thanks so much!!! I cant tell you how much all of your lessons have helped me out!! The kids in Bible class love them!

    1. Joyce, thanks for letting me know. I have added the link. Sorry, it wasn't there!

  19. We are planning a mission trip to Guatemala in October. I am affiliated with Second Baptist Church in Clinton, TN. We were wondering if you would give permission for this to be copied for us to use in the elementary school system there? Please reply with an answer as soon as possible. Thank you.

    1. Yes, my printables can be copied and/or printed and used for your classes and churches and any mission works. Thanks for asking.

  20. These are great but unfornately I teach mostly African-American children and they won't be able to relate to the children in these pictures. I wish they were more diverse. You have quite a few Asian children but no African American.

    1. Sorry, that is not intentional, especially since I live in Memphis. But, these are the only pictures I could find free at the website I used at the time that were appropriate. There is so much to look at when looking for pictures/graphics. I am usually just glad to find pictures with appropriate clothing on and plain shirts that are suitable for the poster being created.

  21. Permission to use the story ouline. Thank you ❤️

  22. I love your material. I do have a concern about the poster that says love accepts all things. I think it might give the wrong idea. Love cannot accept sin such as men and men and women and women progressing a sexual love for one another.

    1. Just think: This was written 10 years ago and look how much this simple lesson for early elementary ages has changed in how what is translated directly from the Bible can be used. The wording will be updated but will take time. Thank you for letting me know.

  23. I was just wondering if the updates are finished on this flip chart.

    1. Thank you for asking. I have not found pictures that I am happy with, so I added the original link. You can download it @


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.