Today's Bible lesson is Adam & Eve. I wanted to spend time reviewing last week's lesson on God's Creation. I made the project for today so I could combine both! I put together the Lift-the-Flap, and there are options for these printables! We added stickers of things that God created like the sun, flowers, bees, butterflies, ladybugs, etc. The kids love stickers! And it made it more fun for them!
Review: Last
week we talked about creation. The very
first verse in the Bible is ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth.’ We talked about what God made each day. On the sixth day He
made Adam. God made the animals and Adam
named them. God made woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib.
Adam & Eve lived
in the Garden of Eden, and they could eat from any tree except the one named
‘The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.’
Lesson found in Genesis 2 & 3: When
God gave the woman to Adam, Adam said because she was formed from my flesh, she
will be called woman. They were married and they were both naked in the garden,
but they were not ashamed of it. Remember, there wasn’t sin yet, so they were
not embarrassed to be naked.
There was a serpent in the garden. What is that? A snake. The
Bible says the serpent was more cunning (or sly) than any animal that God had
made. He asked Eve if it was true that God told them they couldn’t eat of every
tree in the garden.
Eve told the serpent that they could eat the fruit from
every tree except for one and if they ate from it or touched it, they would
surely die.

Then the
serpent told Eve that you are not going to die! Because God knows that when you
eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good
from evil. When Eve saw the tree was good for food and it looked
good to her eyes, and now she thinks that it will make her wise, she took the
fruit and ate. By the way, the Bible states fruit, it does not tell us
what exactly kind it was.

Then, after Eve ate
the fruit, she gave it Adam and he ate it also! Eve disobeyed God, then Adam did too! Then, their eyes
were opened, and they knew they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together to
cover themselves. While God was in the garden, Adam and Eve were hiding in the
trees. Really, can you hide from God?
God asked Adam where he was, and Adam said that
he heard God’s voice and was afraid. He was naked and was hiding. God said “Who
said you’re naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I told you not to eat
Adam told God that
“The woman You gave to me fed me from the tree and so I ate.” God asked Eve
“What have you done?” And she said “The serpent lied to me and I ate.” So,
everyone is trying to blame someone else!
God told the
serpent that “Because you did this, you are cursed! The serpent will move on
its belly and eat dust forever!”
And to
Eve He said “You will have pain when you are in childbirth and your husband
will rule over you.”
And then to Adam, He said “Because you listened to your
wife and did what I told you not to, you will have to work hard to make a
living.” Instead of God taking care of them, man would have to farm the ground
to eat and now there will be thorns and thistles to make it harder and you will
sweat to eat.
And Adam called his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living. God made tunics from skin to clothe
them now that they know good from evil.
God sent them from the Garden of Eden and He
put cherubim at the east of the garden.
also put a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of
Today's project is a Lift-the-Flap with review questions on the top and answers they should know on the bottom. I wanted to spend time reviewing creation, so we will answer these questions, then the kids will add God's creation stickers on this to finish it. Keep in mind, you can use a blank sheet of cardstock/paper for the bottom if you want your kids to write the answers themselves.
I printed the top sheet with the tree on regular paper, then the bottom sheet with the answers onto cardstock. You can print it in color or black and white. I used a craft knife to cut the flaps open on the tree (see first photo). Then used glue everywhere except for where I had folded the Lift-the-Flaps (see second photo). You can print them here:
I printed the top sheet with the tree on regular paper, then the bottom sheet with the answers onto cardstock. You can print it in color or black and white. I used a craft knife to cut the flaps open on the tree (see first photo). Then used glue everywhere except for where I had folded the Lift-the-Flaps (see second photo). You can print them here:
All the Genesis Worksheets can be printed here.
Not all are shown.
Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Bible Verse: Genesis 2:9
Scripture taken from the New
King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
Here is the cut & glue worksheet
that can be used by itself, or with the lapbook printables.
This is a great resource, I think it will come in VERY handy when my kids are going through Creation in a few weeks! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you for your effort in putting this together! I really love the idea of the flaps - even using it for other things as well. That's really cool. Thank you again, I'm bookmarking this for sure :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Thanks for the really nice comment! I appreciate you visiting!
DeleteThanks for linking up Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party. The next party goes live Sunday morning and this week’s theme is SIDEWALK CHALK. Be sure to brush off those archives as well and link them up at See you there! Jennifer
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for visiting! Thanks for hosting & I will see you at the party! Sidewalk Chalk sounds like fun!
DeleteWonderful resources! Thanks so much for linking up to Thrive @ Home! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing at the Thursday favorite things hop xo
ReplyDeleteI LOVE what you have done here. It is going to be very helpful with my class of 2nd & 3rd graders. God Bless
ReplyDeleteThank you Audrey! I am glad you can use it! I appreciate you stopping by!
DeleteAwesome lesson ideas! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Blessings and hope you link up again this week :)
ReplyDeleteI would really love to print the Adam and Eve story picture cards but cant figure out how. Is there a link?
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer, if you are asking about the visuals, you can find them updated, cropped, etc. on the newer posts. For Adam & Eve: They are all found at
DeleteI have been searching for this type of resource for a long time. Thank you for putting this together. I will be sharing your site and blog with all of my home schooling friends. God bless you and your family!
ReplyDeleteJust LOVE the resources that you provide! Between my Christian preschool and my Sunday school class,I have found SO many great ideas for my lessons. Absoulutly LOVE your Website!
ReplyDelete❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️more fun more ideas more person to grow
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. This is fantastic and I love a craft project that helps our children recall the scripture details along with the story.