Holding Grudges Lesson for Teens

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I am happy to have a guest writer for this post and she is my daughter! While I have taught all ages, I prefer early elementary. She prefers Teens. The Bible lesson in this post was designed to teach teenagers about how a grudge can hold us down in our Christian walk and the importance of forgiveness.
 These posters were drawn to represent the weight of a grudge.
As part of the Holding Grudges lesson plan, the students will draw a visual representation in groups of what carrying around a grudge is like. This visualization allows the students to see and articulate why being a Christian can be difficult if you do not forgive. Take a look at the sample drawings.

This poster represents some of the causes of a grudge and shows the emotion that comes with grudges.
The students were given 5 minutes to draw and a minute to present each. They enjoyed the opportunity to work collaboratively and express themselves artistically.
This poster represents how broken a heart can be from a grudge.
The storm shows the dangers of a grudge.

I purchased the Post It Easel Pads at my local store. This is what I used and will help you know what to look for. (Some stores carry a generic set.)
As a freebie for reading this post, and that you will only find here, I created a document for teachers to use who do not have access to poster paper for the Grudges lesson. Instead, they can have their students complete the drawing activity as individuals and even collect them at the end of class and post the student work on a bulletin board in the classroom. Click here to print it.

About me:
Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website. 

My lessons are just as engaging and fun as my mom’s, but they are geared towards teenagers.
Growing up I saw my mom’s passion for teaching elementary Bible classes and the older I got, the more I realized that I had that same teaching passion. However, my passion belongs to the upper grades.

I graduated from Freed-Hardeman University in Tennessee, and I have a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master of Arts in Education.  I have taught 4 years in public education at the middle school level and was blessed with the opportunity to work with the state department this year to share best practices at struggling schools. I was given this opportunity due to the performance of my own students and it has been life changing. After some thought I realized that I should begin using my talents to help others spread the Word. It is my goal that the lesson plans I create will support you in providing a highly engaging atmosphere for your teen Bible school students.
For more information about me, please view these websites:


  1. I love the visual representation of what holding a grudge feels like. My teenager struggles to communicate verbally, so the idea that she could draw how she feels is a great one for me to try out at home.

    1. My daughter said they really enjoyed drawing in class, then they were able to discuss it. I appreciate the comment, thank you! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What an important lesson, and it's great to perform it in groups. Thanks for sharing with Afterschool!

  3. Thanks Debbie for always having such great Bible lessons for kids.

    1. Thank you Judith for stopping by! I appreciate you hosting each week!

  4. a very important lesson, and well shared my friend. Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop ♥

  5. Your Bible lessons are such a blessing! It is encouraging to see you help parents in this way. Thanks for participating in the Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. This is a great lesson for teens and adults alike. Thank you (and your wise teen) for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate the comment! Glad you stopped by and thanks for hosting!

  7. This is such a wonderful lesson. Teens especially are so prone to holding grudges and don't realize how much it effects their own well-being.

  8. I love the pictures as part of the lesson. Such an important lesson to try to start learning while younger.

    1. Thank you Jenny! They really love these giant Post-It Sheets! They get to move and share their thoughts! Thanks for your comment!

  9. I liked the interactive nature of this class--and the subject matter. Wonderful opportunity for teens to discuss the burden of grudges. I'm visiting from the Weekend Brew.

  10. Great ideas! I love visiting here because it gives me ideas to share with my son who is a youth pastor. Have a wonderful weekend!


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