The Examples of Jesus

Friday, April 9, 2021
ABC's of Jesus' Life: X is for eXample
Examples of Jesus obeying God
These lessons can be used without the alphabet theme.
Just consider them an update with new ideas and printables to teach the Life of Jesus!
This lesson is very different from my normal. This is a very general overview of some examples that Jesus showed. The application is how the students can set the right example and be like God wants them to be.
The flip books are a fun way to discuss the application. The left photo is what all the pages look like. To use with younger students/non-writing, ask a question like What would you do if...? and let them add stickers for answers, questions or participation and not being grouchy. The right side is the flip book put together. It is super easy to do and there are instructions. This includes the color and black & white. If you really do not want to use this as a flip book, you can use it as a worksheet.
These fun mazes are conversation starters. The first has some of the pictures from the lesson. They can be for review, retelling or application. For instance temptation. Discuss Jesus' temptation and a temptation that they might have and need to say no to. The second has blank lines to discuss different temptations and how to obey God. The last has scriptures to look up and discuss. There is a teacher's answer sheet for the first. The last has a teacher's answer sheet with the scripture and a space to write your thoughts.
I designed this Trip Strip to be a cut & glue timeline of some of the examples we have of Jesus obeying God. This one shown has lines for the students to write about each event. Or, they can write the scriptures. There is another worksheet without the writing space. These can easily be used for mixed age groups. Cut and glue the pictures on the bottom to the correct number on the strip. Color and black & white are included. There is a teacher's answer page with picture description and scriptures.
(This is not included in the application pack.)
These Event Cards can be used as smaller visuals and they can be shuffled for the student to re-tell the events and describe what they remember about Jesus' example and lay them in order. The same full-page size visuals and pictures-to-color can be downloaded below.
There are alphabet mazes and worksheets included. These are half-sheets and can be used in Interactive Notebooks. Click here to see a free video on how to make and use Interactive Notebooks. There is a set of 5 and 10 piece puzzles.

Click here to download the lesson and application pack.
This a one-page foldable book discusses several events in Jesus' life of His perfect examples and includes both color and black and white. These pages can also be cut apart and used as flash cards to put the events in order. This is not in the application pack.
Click here to download.
Click here to download the visuals.
These are slightly different from the normal visuals. These have a Bible verse (not shown) on each to help the students be able to look them up without the teacher repeating it. This is for ages that can read. If you are using this lesson for younger students, this option does not have to be used.
All the visuals are not shown.
(These are not included in the application pack.)

Click here to download the pictures to color.
The Bible verse has been removed for the pictures to color.
All pictures are not shown.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Scripture References
Matthew 13:55 & Mark 6:3 Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus had siblings
Luke 2:7 Jesus was born
Luke 2:51 Jesus was raised in Nazareth
Luke 3:23 Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His ministry
Matthew 3:13-16 Jesus was baptized
Luke 4:8 Jesus was tempted and said no
Luke 4:13 Satan left until an ‘opportune time’
Luke 4:21 Jesus announced He was the Savior
Luke 4:43 Jesus was sent to preach about the kingdom of God
Mark 1:38 Jesus said the reason He came was to preach
Matthew 7:28-29 Jesus taught with authority
Mark 1:30-31 Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law
Mark 1:32-34 Jesus healed many people
Mark 1:34 Jesus went to pray alone
Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord’s Prayer
Mark 6:41 Jesus prayed for the food
Mark 16:15-16 Teach the gospel to everyone
Acts 1:3 Jesus was with people 40 days
Mark 16:19 Jesus is in heaven

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