
Monday, August 22, 2022
Thank you to Haley Wilson for permission to use these photos and ideas! Gideon was the final lesson in our Armor of God VBS and Haley taught preschool ages 3-4 and kept them in her classroom for the whole time! Using different areas in the classroom with various activities and more kept the kids interested and happy!
This is another fun and easy project! Haley used construction paper and cut a cone shape for the bottom of the torch for the kids to glue onto paper. They added red, yellow and orange pieces to make the flame. Cute!
Haley used this Gideon project.

Not pictured: Haley used a big piece of Sherpa 'fleece' (or Joann's) that the kids love to touch!

Haley used a pitcher (a different one than what is pictured), ram's horn (put in shofar for the search) and torch that is not available anymore.

Check eBay for a ram's horn shofar to compare prices, too.

The torch was found at Bass Pro in the kid's section several years ago.

Haley played this horn video for the sound effect when Gideon blew the ram's horn.

Remember to start it before class and skip the ad so it is ready because you don't know what ad YouTube will play!

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