Sermon on the Mount Newsletter Foldables

Monday, March 4, 2024

Thank you to Jeanne Dickson for permission to copy (as close as possible with the resources I have available) and share these printables!  This is the inside with the lesson and pictures. On the outside, Jeanne adds notes and assorted items. She might add a Bible verse, memory verse, a Bible song or two, a picture to color, a reward reminder and/or notes about class and hello to students. You could add a puzzle, maze, worksheet, whatever you prefer.

The Newsletter Foldable can be used as a review handout, sent in the mail or in an email, especially for those unable to be in class. The same lesson is included for the teacher. There is a maze included that Jeanne designed and let me copy and share for Seek ye first the kingdom of God in Matthew 6:33.

Click here to download.

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