Bible Fun For Kids: File Folder Games

Showing posts with label File Folder Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label File Folder Games. Show all posts

Life of Jesus Review

Monday, July 10, 2017
This was created to be used as a file folder game, but can be used different ways to review the life of Jesus.

The Beatitudes: More Printables!

Thursday, April 16, 2015
This week's post for the Beatitudes I am posting this month has assorted printables. I have some that were created with the flower theme, and others with the bee & beehive theme that will be used for all of next week's post. Honestly, I was getting too much for one post, so added some here!

Birth of Jesus Printables

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I have recently added some items to my TPT store and while doing that, I needed to update the downloads. These printables started out to just be the file folder game with new graphics, but as I worked on them, I came up with all new ideas! So, that led to a new blog post to share them here. And, I just found another new set of graphics, so I will think of more ideas! Maybe, some projects with these.


Creation Printables

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
I found new Creation graphics at Educlips and I couldn't stop making things for this lesson, so I put them all here in one post! I used them with a Creation post that you will see soon, but as I was getting everything ready, it was just too much for one post!

Bible File Folder Games

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
There are three different Bible File Folder Games that use the same scroll cards, and will work together for learning the Divisions of the Old and New Testament books. Also, which books are Old or New Testament.

Disciples vs. Apostles Posters, File Folder Game and More!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
The Disciple's posters, lapbook, file folder game and more...
all updated!

What is a File Folder Game?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Please check back often! I was given permission to copy and share a lot of lapbook / file folder games by someone who wants to remain anonymous. I have added more lesson files because I love lapbooks! These will be added every Wednesday in 2026, and on Mondays in 2027. They will be added randomly in 2024 and 2025. I have also created a lot of file folder games (mostly for preschool) that teach colors, shapes, etc. that can be used with Bible lessons, and these will be added the next couple of years. These are especially fun keep handy to use for early arrivers, but there are so many uses for these!

David the Shepherd & Saul is Made King

Saturday, February 1, 2014
We are finishing up with the judges today with Samuel and he leads us to David. We have a couple of lessons for David and his son Solomon to finish this 13-week quarter of the Old Testament Bible People. We will begin the next quarter with Elijah and Elisha.

Psalm 23 by David the Shepherd

Thursday, January 30, 2014
This post is about a Psalm that David wrote. David wrote over 70 Psalms in the Bible. A psalm is a song or a poem. Psalm 23 is a well known psalm that David wrote.

God Makes the Frogs

Monday, January 20, 2014
This is intended for preschool and is part of the series "God Made It". There is a file folder game, pictures to color and a life cycle chart.

The Old Testament Judges: Bulletin Board, Lapbook & Worksheet

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I decided to add this Judges post separate from the Bible lesson because I just kept adding to it!

Old Testament Bible People Worksheets Part 1

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
This is all the worksheets for the first quarter of the Old Testament Bible study in one place.

Life of Moses: Map It! File Folder

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
We will be using this file folder Life of Moses: Map It! each week for the entire Moses quarter. The map is not meant to be to scale, and basically I only added the places that will be in our lessons for Moses.

The Whole Armor of God (Christian Soldier)

Sunday, April 21, 2013
 Put on the whole Armor of God and be a faithful soldier for God.
Includes updated visuals and links to make your own armor.

God Makes the Butterflies

Thursday, April 4, 2013


God Made the Farm Animals

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Bible People Pocket Chart and File Folder Game for Review

Thursday, January 17, 2013
I am a big fan of having the kids know who does what in the Bible. Or, for this post, are the people Old Testament or New Testament?

Jesus The Good Shepherd FFG & More

Sunday, December 23, 2012
This is a simple match up game for preschoolers. But, I talk about Jesus and the Bible tells us that He is the good shepherd. John 10:11-16

Birth of Jesus File Folder Game & More

Saturday, November 24, 2012
This is a file folder game (FFG) that I play with my granddaughter. She is 3 and all I say is "Let's play a game" and it's all fun. But, with this birth of Jesus FFG, she remembers baby Jesus, His mom and earthly father's name, the stars are for the Shepherds visiting at night and the heart shape. I cut out the top of the stable for our FFG, and let her add star stickers. We can also review the animals. We can also talk about shepherds and their job taking care of the sheep.

Paul Preaches in Antioch

Sunday, November 18, 2012
I love when the New Testament lessons include facts from the Old Testament!