The Creation For Kids: Day 4

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Several websites collaborated together to share ideas for The Creation found in Genesis. Welcome to Day 4 of this series! God created the sun, moon and stars on Day 4.

The Creation For Kids: Day 3

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Several websites collaborated together to share ideas for The Creation found in Genesis. Glad you are here to see Day 3 of this series! On Day 3, God created the land, plants and the seas.

The Creation For Kids: Day 2

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Several websites collaborated together to share ideas for The Creation found in Genesis. On Day 2, God created the sky. Come and visit other websites to get different ideas and printables for God's wonderful creation!

The Creation For Kids: Day 1

Monday, January 12, 2015 
Several websites collaborated together to share ideas for The Creation found in Genesis.
Welcome to Day 1 of this week long series!

Teen Tuesday: Grace

This week's Teen Tuesday is about God's Grace. What is it? What does grace cover? This is a great discussion lesson! The Teen Tuesday lessons are written by Danielle Ringold and they are being taught in the Wednesday evening Teen young ladies class.

Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

Saturday, January 10, 2015
This week we are studying the Ethiopian Eunuch. I decided to make Bible Facts Flash cards to use as review since the Eunuch was studying the Bible to learn what God wanted, and we are also told to study the Bible. There is also an updated scroll!
There is a new Scripture posters & worksheet pack!

The Top 14 Posts in 2014

Thursday, January 8, 2015
I have gathered the numbers together and lined up the top posts from 2014 that were clicked on the most. Some were a surprise, and some posts didn't make the list that I thought would! Thank you for your visits, comments and your support by following through the Social Medias! I appreciate it!

Teen Tuesday: Spiritual Accountability

Tuesday, January 6, 2015
At the start of every New Year many people create resolutions about how they will make themselves better in the New Year. These resolutions usually have to do with health, fitness, relationships, or personal needs. However, many people over look the most important type of resolution that could make- spiritual resolutions. How can a person improve themselves spiritually for the coming year? How can they draw themselves closer to God? This topic is written by Danielle Ringold.


Saturday, January 3, 2015
Our study is about Stephen, and we will review some of the Old Testament people that he talked about and discuss Jesus. For our IFA: Investigating Facts in Acts addition, there is a printable evidence card with directions to make an evidence bag. This can be used for any lesson! There is also a Fill-in-the-Blank STEPHEN Flap Book. The kids love these!

Teen Tuesday: Anxiety

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
This week's Teen Tuesday post is about Anxiety. We all have it, we all have to handle it. What are some things that make us, especially teens, anxious? How does God want us to deal with it? How does He feel about it? These are some of the applications that were discussed for this lesson. The teen posts are written by Danielle Ringold and the lessons are being used with our high school young ladies class on Wednesday nights.

Scripture Posters

Saturday, December 27, 2014
This is a short post with printable Scripture Posters!

Ananias and Sapphira

Saturday, December 20, 2014
This is a great lesson for kids! The obvious application is do not lie! I have updated the lesson, application printable, added visuals and pictures to color. This also includes an introduction to the book of Acts that can be used for any lesson in Acts or review.

Teen Tuesday: Let Your Light Shine

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Welcome to the second week of this 13 week series of lesson ideas created for teens! These are written by Danielle Ringold. She is teaching the teen girls on Wednesday evenings. This week she had a couple of experiments that were fun and educational.

Peter Heals Aeneas & Dorcas

Saturday, December 13, 2014
We are studying Peter healing Aeneas & Dorcas. Dorcas was a well-loved woman and was known for her good deeds. The project today is accordion shirts (a worksheet has been added to the download). Depending on your time in class, you can have them prepared or let the students cut them out and attach the two parts. They can draw or write things they can do to be a helper like Dorcas. 

Teen Tuesday: Being Thankful

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Teen Tuesday: Being Thankful
 For this Teen Tuesday series, we will be sharing ideas from Danielle Ringold's Wednesday night classes with the high school young ladies. Though, these lessons are suitable for young men also.  This first lesson is about being thankful and there were a couple of interesting discussions... but, I can't tell you about that without giving away the lesson plan!

The Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost

Saturday, December 6, 2014
We begin our IFA: Investigating facts in Acts lessons this week with The Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The Apostles appointed a new Apostle to replace Judas and they taught and baptized all who would listen. There is a flame headband, which is not a new concept. I think I had one as a kid! There is also a flow chart worksheet that can be used with the lesson, or afterwards for a review.

Birth of Jesus Printables

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I have recently added some items to my TPT store and while doing that, I needed to update the downloads. These printables started out to just be the file folder game with new graphics, but as I worked on them, I came up with all new ideas! So, that led to a new blog post to share them here. And, I just found another new set of graphics, so I will think of more ideas! Maybe, some projects with these.

Jesus Has Breakfast & Returns to Heaven

Saturday, November 22, 2014
This is the last lesson for the Life of Jesus series! There is a new Flow Chart that discusses Heaven with scriptures and Lift-the-Flap fill in the blank answers.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Saturday, November 15, 2014
This week there is a set of Resurrection Task Cards with ideas on how to use them. Also, a Resurrection Mini Book in color and black & white. That is just the printables for this lesson!

My Visit to the Creation Museum

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Today's post is written by Danielle Ringold. She was able to visit the Creation Museum and we are sharing thoughts and photos from the visit. I was able to visit when it just opened up and they have added a lot since my visit. We really enjoyed it! My thoughts that I have added are in (parenthesis). And, I have added a Pocket Facts Printable that can be used with or without going to the Creation Museum. It can be used to look at some Bible Facts Creation to Jesus Christ & Paul.