Teen Tuesday: Lesson on Doubt

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Today's post is written by Danielle Ringold. She used this lesson with our teen girls from church and she is sharing some photos and ideas!

Guest Author: Danielle Ringold
My husband serves as the youth group deacon at our church, and I had the opportunity to have a girls sleep over. As part of the sleepover, I led a devotional with the girls from a lesson plan I created for my TPT store. The lesson was created to be used with 6-12 grade boys and girls in a class setting, small or large group, devotional or even a youth rally. The girls really enjoyed the lesson. Learn more about it below!

The first step I take when creating an original lesson plan for teens is to think back to something I have struggled with at some point in my Christian Walk.  Doubt stands out to me in many ways as a big struggle that I have faced time and time again. The type of doubt that I am referring to stems from a lack of trust in God’s plan for me. Anytime life was too challenging I would question “why?” As I have gotten older and had more opportunities to reflect on hindsight, I have formed greater trust and faith in what God has planned for me. However, teenagers do not typically have a great bank of opportunities to reflect on and learn from. Therefore, this lesson on doubt is greatly needed.

 See pictures below!
The lesson started with a Reflective Question which they worked on independently.
Then we discussed our Answers to the Opening Question.
After the Opening Question, I Hooked them by telling them a story.
Then, we read Key Passages in the Bible about DOUBT.
And we discussed specific questions about the verses we just read.
After we read 3 passages, we began our Interactive Activity.
We continued the Interactive Activity...
Then we discussed their answers.
Some of their responses were funny! ☺
We finished the lesson with a group closure.

Throughout the lesson, the teens will reflect on why we doubt, what the Bible says about doubt, and how to deal with doubt. There are opportunities for personal reflection and group discussion, as well as an interactive activity and hands on visual.
About me:
Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.


  1. This is a lovely resource! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Love this post, especially this "There are opportunities for personal reflection and group discussion, as well as, an interactive activity and hands on visual." Multisensory leaning at its best! many blessings to you ❤️

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings


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