Two songs about Samson by Jeanne Dickson.
Thank you Jeanne for permitting me to use and share your songs!
Both of these songs have the standard one-page black & white song and the color flipchart.
Jeanne taught Samson to her 2's and 3's. Here are some great hand-on ideas that she did!
Photos property of Jeanne Dickson and used with permission.
Also, the ideas and instructions are from Jeanne and used with permission.
Some ideas are listed without photos because of ages of the students.
Most of the statements about the photos are from Jeanne and used with permission.
The finished city gate and frame. The door frame doubled as pillars. The pillars are made from some cardboard blocks that can be ordered from Amazon. They come flat and you fold them into blocks and create whatever object you want. Best investment I ever made!
Jeanne's students were carrying the city gate any way they could! The pictures were really cute with the kids struggling because of the size!
~Picture your students carrying the city gate.
I removed Jeanne's student and added my photo due to copyright.~
The young lion, which Samson fought. You can use any lion and let the students fight, wrestle, defeat the lion like Samson!
Dumbbells for the kids to test their strength.
Poor Samson lost his hair!

This was an exhausting event! I told the kids to just pretend to push them over, but some were a little too eager to push and I spent a bit of time putting them back together for the next child. If I'd had several sets to go around that would've been fine, but I just had the one set. So, be prepared!
~Picture your students standing between the pillars. I removed Jeanne's student due to copyright. ~
The Newsletter Foldable can be used as a review handout, sent in the mail or in an email, especially for those unable to be in class. The same lesson is included for the teacher.
These Events about Samson are included in the Newsletter Foldables file:
Strong Man Samson in Judges 13-16 (preschool edition)
Samson’s Riddle in Judges 14 & Numbers 6
Samson’s Revenge in Judges 15
Samson & Delilah in Judges 16
The Newsletter Foldable can be used as a review handout, sent in the mail or in an email, especially for those unable to be in class. The same lesson is included for the teacher.
Samson for VBS is coming Friday!
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