Bible Fun For Kids: Jesus

Sowing the Seed

Luke Updated Visuals
These are the updated visuals for each chapter of Luke.
They are in files by the chapter, instead of the event.
The Pictures to Color can be downloaded here, also.

Psalm 23 Bible Verse Fun Pack

Feed the sheep Game
I found this Big Mouth clipart and I knew I wanted to design games with it!
This is easy to put together and you have a fun way to review.

Temptation Trash Can Big Mouth Game
I found this Big Mouth clipart and I knew I wanted to use it for an application 'game'!
This is easy to put together, and you have a fun way to review. This application 'game' can be used for any application that you want to review temptations that the students might find themselves in.
*It was created for Jesus' temptations, but the statements are everyday temptations that kids experience today. * There are blank cards for you to add your own ideas or review questions about the lesson.

Feed the Pig Game
I found this Big Mouth clipart and I knew just what to do with it!
This is easy to put together and you have a fun way to review.

Zacchaeus Review Game
I found this Big Mouth clipart and I knew I wanted to create a fun application review game with it!
This is easy to put together and you have a fun way to review.

Dream Match It

Obey Jesus!
Obey Jesus!

Transfiguration of Jesus

Jesus Returned to Heaven