Sing a Song About God's Marvelous Things He Has Done

Moses Overview Part 4
This is Life of Moses updated that I used to teach the Old Testament Overview. Moses is divided into four parts, instead of one or each event of his life. This lesson covers the ten commandments God gave Moses on Mount Sinai, Aaron's gold calf, and some of the Old Laws (the Law of Moses).

Moses Overview Part 3
This is Life of Moses updated that I used to teach the Old Testament Overview. Moses is divided into four parts, instead of one or each event of his life. This lesson covers the manna and quail and water God provided, the Red Sea crossing, Pillar of fire and Pillar of cloud and some basic time in the wilderness.

Moses Part 2
This is Life of Moses updated that I used to teach the Old Testament Overview. Moses is divided into four parts, instead of one or each event of his life. This lesson covers the ten plagues.

Luke 1:37 Bible Verse Fun Pack

Moses Overview Part 1
This is Life of Moses updated that I used to teach the Old Testament Overview. Moses is divided into four parts, instead of one or each event of his life. This lesson covers his birth through the burning bush.