The photos shown here are to help you create your own VBS construction theme.
These decorations were designed and put up by Alyssa Halliburton, Brooke Brock, Dodie Mitchum, Erica Hubbard and Tommie Hannah. and are photos of the construction theme that was used for the 5th and 6th grade classroom.
I have had the supplies to share a suitcase visual and a Lazy Susan Turntable visual and decided to finally design it and share it! More ideas to use these and printables for more lessons will be added. You can click on the BST VISUALS link on the right under LABELS. BST = Box, Suitcase & Turntable
As you might expect, there is a lot for Paul, so this is a
long lesson. It can probably be divided into 2 or 3 lessons. This is about as
condensed as I could write it. There are a lot of new posters for this lesson,
These Guided Bible Reading Learning
Packs were originally created to be sold on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have several packs
started, complete or somewhere in between and have been working on
them for a year or two. I started making these all-inclusive packs to use
at home for Bible study or homeschooling, but they are perfect for Bible class
also. Since I was using them at home, they cover a wider range of abilities.
Some printables are for preschool and some for older elementary ages. And ages
in between!
These Guided Bible Reading Learning Packs were originally created to be sold on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have several packs started, completed or somewhere in between and worked on them for a year or two and just found them on the computer again. These were designed with a whole different concept in mind. I started making these all-inclusive packs to use at home for Bible study or homeschooling, but they are perfect for Bible class also. Since I was using them at home, they cover a wider range of abilities. Some printables are for preschool and some for older elementary ages. And ages in between! Scripture is Acts 16:8-40.