Bible Fun For Kids: VBS

Showing posts with label VBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VBS. Show all posts

Lifting Up the King VBS: King Josiah

Friday, July 15, 2016
Our VBS for 2016 is Lifting Up the King. We studied great kings of the Bible. Day 3 was Josiah: Faithful to God and was taken from 2 Kings 23:25. The theme was his obedient actions.

Lifting Up the King VBS: King Solomon

Friday, July 8, 2016
Our VBS for 2016 is Lifting Up the King. We studied great kings of the Bible. Day 2 was Solomon: The Wisest Man found in 1 Kings 4:30. The theme was Mind of Wisdom.

Lifting Up The King VBS: King David

Friday, July 1, 2016
Our VBS this year was Lifting Up the King. We studied some great kings of the Bible: David, Solomon, Josiah and Jesus. Jesus being the greatest King of all. This is the first night's study of King David: A Man After God's own Heart found in Acts 13:22. The theme was Heart Like God.

Lifting Up the King VBS: Throne

Friday, May 20, 2016
We are studying some of the great kings of the Bible for VBS this year. We called it Lifting up the King because that is the theme for this year and it tied in perfectly.

Lifting Up The King VBS: Banners

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Our VBS this year is Lifting Up the King. We will study some great kings of the Bible: David, Solomon, Josiah and Jesus. Jesus being the greatest King of all. This post includes the banners (flags) I created for our classroom.

12 Questions: Memphis Ministry Day 4 Jesus

Saturday, August 29, 2015
We had a Memphis mission in July which you can see more here. The Elders decided to do a mission work in our home town. The Deacons that work with the children set up a mini VBS style learning session for the kids for the 2 hours that the adults were in the assembly. I asked to teach about Moses. I have a lot of visuals and there is so much to study about him. I wanted to discuss the Old Law and bring the last night of learning into the New Law and Jesus. So, this last post is the fourth nights lesson which was Old Law vs. New Law and condensed Life of Jesus.

12 Questions: Memphis Ministry Day 3 Moses

Saturday, August 22, 2015
We had a Memphis mission in July which you can see more here. The Elders decided to do a mission work in our home town. The Deacons that work with the children set up a mini VBS style learning session for the kids for the 2 hours that the adults were in the assembly. I asked to teach about Moses. I have a lot of visuals and there is so much to study about him. I wanted to discuss the Old Law and bring the last night of learning into the New Law and Jesus. So, this post is the third nights lesson which was The 10 Commandments. 

12 Questions: Memphis Ministry Day 2 Moses

Saturday, August 15, 2015
We had a Memphis mission in July which you can see more here. The Elders decided to do a mission work in our home town. The Deacons that work with the children set up a mini VBS style learning session for the kids for the 2 hours that the adults were in the assembly. I asked to teach about Moses. I have a lot of visuals and there is so much to study about him. I wanted to discuss the Old Law and bring the last night of learning into the New Law and Jesus. So, this post is the second night's lesson which was a lot! The 10 Plagues, The Pillar of Cloud & Fire, The Red Sea Crossing and God Sends Manna & Quail. Yes, it seems like a lot, but there were 25 minutes that I used as an overview. I wanted the kids to learn as much as they could! They had 3 other areas of review for each evening. (I actually planned to teach this, but ended up reviewing last night's lesson and only taught the 10 plagues! So, I moved the rest to the next evening to teach. I really wasn't concerned with 'my list', so these can easily be modified.)


12 Questions: Memphis Ministry Day 1 Moses

Saturday, August 8, 2015
We had a Memphis mission in July which you can see more here. The Elders decided to do a mission work in our home town. The Deacons that work with the children set up a mini VBS style learning session for the kids for the 2 hours that the adults were in the assembly. I asked to teach about Moses. I have a lot of visuals for Moses and there is so much to study about him! I wanted to discuss the Old Law and bring the last night of learning into the New Law and Jesus. So, this post is the first nights lesson which includes The Birth of Moses, Moses Left Egypt and The Burning Bush. Yes, it seems like a lot, but there were 25 minutes that I used as an overview. I wanted the kids to learn as much as they could! They had 3 other areas of review for each evening.

TLC VBS: Day 4 Joshua & The Walls of Jericho

Monday, July 27, 2015
For this year's VBS, we are creating our own and called it TLC: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment. We are studying these Old Testament people: Gideon, Esther, Joseph and Joshua. For the third night of Bible fun learning, we are looking at Joshua & The Walls of Jericho.

TLC VBS: Day 3 Joseph's Hardships

Saturday, July 25, 2015
For this year's VBS, we are creating our own and called it TLC: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment. We are studying these Old Testament people: Gideon, Esther, Joseph and Joshua. For the third night of Bible fun learning, we are looking at Joseph's Hardships.

TLC VBS 2015: Trust, Loyalty & Commitment

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
For this year's VBS, we are creating our own (year 2 of a 6 year rotation) and called it TLC: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment. We are studying these Old Testament people: Gideon, Esther, Joseph and Joshua.

TLC VBS: Day 2 Esther Becomes Queen

Friday, July 17, 2015
For this year's VBS, we created our own series and called it TLC: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment. We studied these Old Testament people: Gideon, Esther, Joseph and Joshua. For the second night of Bible fun learning, we discussed Esther Becomes Queen.

TLC VBS: Day 1 Gideon Defeats the Midianites

Friday, July 10, 2015
For this year's VBS, we are creating our own and called it TLC: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment. We are studying these Old Testament people: Gideon, Esther, Joseph and Joshua. For this first night of Bible fun learning, we are looking at Gideon Defeats the Midianites. The theme is TRUST: Against all odds, Gideon trusted that he and his small army would defeat the Midianites.

Parables of Jesus VBS: Ages 4 & 5

Sunday, June 29, 2014
We did parables of Jesus this year for Vacation Bible School. Linda and Paula taught the 4 and 5 year old classes. They have permitted me to share photos of their classroom with you. This is decoration ideas only. But, the decorations are perfect for this age group!

Parables of Jesus VBS

Saturday, June 28, 2014
We did Parables of Jesus this year for Vacation Bible School. This will be the main post with the church building photos, craft ideas, and other information that I can share with you.

Parables of Jesus VBS: Day 4 The Good Samaritan

Friday, June 27, 2014
The fourth and last Parables of Jesus VBS is the Good Samaritan found in  Luke 10:25-37. This post is what I did for my classroom and grades 1-4 used the room.

Parables of Jesus VBS: Day 3.The Lost Sheep & Coin

Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Lost Sheep & Lost Coin parable is found in Luke 15:3-10 and is the third night for our Parables of Jesus VBS. We are designing our own this year and this post will have what I did for my classroom. The room will be used for grades 1-4.

Parables of Jesus VBS: Day 2 The Prodigal Son

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
This post is for Day 2 of our Parables of Jesus VBS and The Prodigal Son is found in Luke 15:11-32. We are making everything ourselves. I will try to post as many of the ideas as I can. This post just has my classroom.

Parables of Jesus VBS: Day 1 The Great Feast

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Our VBS this year is Parables of Jesus. We decided to design our own Vacation Bible School and the first night is The Great Feast in Luke 14:15-24. This post is what I did for my classroom and door and grades 1-4 used the room.